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Mary Magdalene - sister wife of Jesus

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posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 08:34 AM
Well thats is a possibility Stalking Wolf

In many religious orders and cults a spirtual union is akin to an actual blood union.

It needs looking into.

This link concerns the other Mary, Mary of Bethany and it says that in some traditions she and The Magdelene are one and the same person.

Mary of Bethany

So we have Two Josephs and Three Marys who are very important figures in Jesus Life.

Coincidence...again quite possibly, for all I know Mary and Joseph might have been a very very popular name but even so I think there must be a link between these figures.

Back with more, as always

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 10:03 AM
I have also read someplace that the names Mary (Miriam) and Joseph (Yosef)
were Titles or designators of Position. There would seem to be some biblical
basis for this as I dont know of any Parent that would name their children
(Mary, the Mother and her sister Mary) with the same name ( well with the exception of George Forman and he may have an excuse)

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:18 AM
Below is a link that to an interesting (if overblown) surrounding St Joseph:

St Joseph

Key points raised in this are.

1.Carpenter Translated is "Tecton" Meaning stone mason.

2. It never mentions in the bible that Joseph was an elderly man.

3. We have another Mary, Mary the wife of Clopas who according to Catholic Church had Josephs children.

4. Mary's perpetual virginity has no legitimate basis in scripture or tradition and is completely contrary to the Bible.

5. In those days the richest man in the world was Eli-Joachim, father of Joseph of Arimathea, Mary and Salome

The main point for me is we now have an extra Mary...That's Four Marys and two Josephs.

The soup thickens

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:48 AM

I would like to know why you believe they portraid Mary Magdalene as a prositute in the bible? they could of given her any job title but why someone who offers sex?
why would Jesus hang about with a prostitute? I find this interesting!


[snipped large quote, please use smaller quotes -nygdan]

[edit on 26-1-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 06:50 AM
For those who dispute the impact of Egyptian customs on the ancient Jews, it has been suggested that Moses' sister's name, Miriam, is actually an abbreviated version of the original Egyptian name, Mery- Amun (beloved of Amun). It's also believed that Moses' own name is simply an abbreviation of an Egyptian name, minus the reference to a pagan god. Likely, when faced with the task of leading his people to the Promised Land, he decided to do a little work on his public image, in order to appear less "Egyptianized."

[This theory is from Laurence Gardner's 'Genesis of the Grail Kings', I just really didn't feel like typing it all out, but if anyone wants the quote, let me know.]Text Black

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by StJude
Carpenter Translated is "Tecton" Meaning stone mason.

Where are you getting that translation? Its interesting because tectonics of course involves the study of the structure of the earth, and the world is a stem in archi-tecture, but is this a specific translation or more of an understanding of the word?


ascia : carpenter's axe, mason's trowel.

In those days the richest man in the world was Eli-Joachim

Where are you getting that information from?

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:34 AM
I got in the information from the St Joseph link in my previous post Nygdan.

It might not be true, but it warrants further investiagtion.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
It is kind of ironic that I have been aware of the Jesus/Mary wedding theory for 20+ years now. I was made aware of, and had a close look at, the Last Supper not more than three weeks ago. lol
It sure looks like a woman sitting there, and since Leonardo was known to be handy with a paintbrush, I would guess he meant to paint a woman. As to his beliefs, I have not ever been made aware of them, though he is listed as one of the heads of the Priory of Sion.

Except that if you asked an art historian they could easily explain why James looks like that.
He drew a lot of sketches in which he clearly labelled the disciples, including James.
He delibratly drew James using the student achetype. The Student is young, smooth faced and has long hair. That is why James looks like a women.

And as for the Priory, you do realise that those papers which list him as a head of the Priory are KNOWN to be fakes planted by a follower of an anti-semetic who created a group called the Priory of Sion in the 20th century?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by StJude
I got in the information from the St Joseph link in my previous post Nygdan.
It might not be true, but it warrants further investiagtion.

Why do KNOWN LIES warrant investigation, exactly?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by DodgeG1I would like to know why you believe they portraid Mary Magdalene as a prositute in the bible?

They didn't, so why are you lying and claiming that they did?

why would Jesus hang about with a prostitute? I find this interesting!

Cause he's one cool frude?
More seriously, because anyone could be redeemed?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by StJude
Well thats is a possibility Stalking Wolf

In many religious orders and cults a spirtual union is akin to an actual blood union.

It needs looking into.

This link concerns the other Mary, Mary of Bethany and it says that in some traditions she and The Magdelene are one and the same person.

Mary of Bethany

So we have Two Josephs and Three Marys who are very important figures in Jesus Life.

Coincidence...again quite possibly, for all I know Mary and Joseph might have been a very very popular name but even so I think there must be a link between these figures.

IF you had bothered to do any research you would know that Mary was the name of about a third of the females in that area, at the time.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 01:22 PM

would like to know why you believe they portraid Mary Magdalene as a prositute in the bible?

This can as I recall be laid directly on the head of the RCC. more specifically The Vatican, The Pontificate, Pope Gregory as i recall. In short it is just more of the disinformation and lies that regularly flows from Vatican City.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by I_AM_that_I_AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
It is kind of ironic that I have been aware of the Jesus/Mary wedding theory for 20+ years now. I was made aware of, and had a close look at, the Last Supper not more than three weeks ago. lol
It sure looks like a woman sitting there, and since Leonardo was known to be handy with a paintbrush, I would guess he meant to paint a woman. As to his beliefs, I have not ever been made aware of them, though he is listed as one of the heads of the Priory of Sion.

Except that if you asked an art historian they could easily explain why James looks like that.
He drew a lot of sketches in which he clearly labelled the disciples, including James.
He delibratly drew James using the student achetype. The Student is young, smooth faced and has long hair. That is why James looks like a women.

And as for the Priory, you do realise that those papers which list him as a head of the Priory are KNOWN to be fakes planted by a follower of an anti-semetic who created a group called the Priory of Sion in the 20th century?

First, I am referring to the figure to Jesus' right, whom most agree was supposed to be John, not James. It looks like a woman to me, though I don't believe it is Mary.
Secondly, the papers you claim are known to be fakes are not 'known' to be fakes, they are claimed to be fakes. I feel they are not. Having read dozens of books on the subject, I have many reasons for this, but the main one is the instant fortune of Sauniere. The ledger entries in his own hand which try to explain his windfall are, in my view, a probable attempt at legitimizing his new found wealth. He had to explain it somehow. That is just one of many reasons I feel the geneologies and PS head list are not fakes.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:25 PM
How about this the Da Vinci code is a fictional peice just as fictional as the bible.

I totally said a while back that people would be debating the Da Vinci code.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

Why would being a sister and not wife stop the Pharo from sleeping with Sarah?

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 01:16 AM
That's not true completely while the Davinci code is fictional there are truths to the story

I study Hebrew,I started Hebrew school when I was 8 years old, I can read it and write it and i'm okay with Aramaic too

I also had access to alot of very old hebrew books growing up and know alot on this subject as... Ancient hebrew became a main focus of my religous beliefs as I began to grrasp how far removed modern judaism was from the actual source

Mary Magdalene was NOT a prostitute, she was a temple Priestess, her duties included sex magic and the Rabbis decalred that under pressure from Rome to be immoral... she was among if not the last Female Rabbis whe Christ rescued her from them, far from a prostitute

and as one of the mods stated back there, the temple priestess tradition did have roots in ancient Egypt like alot of other aspects of Judasim

When slaves jewish females were used in Egyptian sex rites in which a woman was suppossed to have sex with large..very large numbers of men, because of not wanting to taint blood lines and the use of nubian male slaves was in practice too, Jewish females took the pregnancy risk... (theres a sideline in here in regard to African jews for another time)

Anyway, aspects of goddess worship are part of Ancient Jewish culture and much of what I believe myself in terms of balance to spirituality, a very yin yang kind of concept really...

Back to Christ, although I can not be certain I believe the final straw in the crusifiction was actaully Christ wanting to put women back into the priesthood and as per the Divinci code story a great witch hunt in essence was in formation and it became the straw that broke the camels back in the decision to crucify him

Mary was not his sister, I hold alot of Gnostic beliefs on the subject and it is very apparent that Mary Magdalene was of no relation to Christ

Particularly the Gospel of Philip tells us the Christ walked with 3 Marys when he traveled, His Mother, His Sister and Mary Magdalene

This is a very good link for much of what is out there on Mary Magdalene that can be read in English Mary Magdalene/Women in Christianity

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by ralphellis2
Never mind 'The Da Vinci Code', the biggest secret of the New Testament is not that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. No, the real explosive secret is that she was not only his wife but also his sister.

When a Jewish man marries a woman, she becomes his sister. Just read Song of Solomon.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

if she ws the wife too idont think it would the holiness of christianity

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

if she ws the wife too idont think it would the holiness of christianity

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by ralphellis2

The reason for Jesus consumating a sister marriage is that he was from the line of Judah, and the line of Judah was the line of the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt, as has been explained in another posting. The marriage of a pharaoh to a sister or a daughter was usual practice (even compulsory) among the Egyptian royalty, because the royal inheritance was through the female line (as it is in Judaism).

Can you please give the information relating to Jesus being a Egyptian royalty.

And you may find it of interest that the genealogies of Mary given in the NT have no bearing whatsoever on Jesus' bloodline as the Jewish Scriptures clearly state that a person's genealogy and tribal membership is transmitted exclusively through one's physical father.(Numbers 1:18, Jeremiah 33:17)

Also Joseph was a descendent of King Jeconiah,who in the Hebrew Bible was cursed to never have a descendent "sitting on the throne of David and ruling any more in Judah" (Jeremiah 22:30).

Mary (Jesus' mother) was called the Handmaiden and Virgin because she was a Gods Wife, as in the ancient Egyptian tradition.

Which tradition is this?

Similarly, Mary Magdalene's name is actually an Egyptian name - Maktal, meaning 'tower'.

Have you any more information on this name as the only reference i can find to it is in connection with the Tower of Babel.

Lingam,meaning penis.

This word is Sanskrit,not Egyptian or Hebrew.Where does it come from in relation to your theory?

This is also why Mary Magdalene was sometimes called a prostitute (pro-stitute). The term comes from the Latin 'pro statuere', meaning 'before the statue'. This describes her function precisely, because she stood before the statue of Atum and masturbated it to ensure the regeneration of the world.

This term actually means 'to set forth in public' as in an exhibition or spectacle.

His title of Carpenter was possibly based upon the pharaonic title of Setepenre, meaning God's Carpenter.

This title actually means "Elect of Re" and was used by the ruling monarch only.Its also was the name of the sixth and last daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

Of course it was, and a fine job they made of it too. Your comparison with field-hand is incorrect, for 'hand' in this context means 'person'. Under your argument 'handmaid' would become 'young lady person', which means nothing. In fact, the similes to handmaid are actually: milkmaid, housemaid, nursemaid, and lady'smaid. So what was the hand in handmaid used for?

A handmaid isn't the same as those at all.It dates from the 14th century AD and refers to a female attendant/maid/servant.So called because they are to be on hand (on duty) at all times.

Also,'Doulos' is the name for a male servant or bondsman.

Apart form these mistakes,you give out lots of theories but very little information to back it up.Very disappointing.

[edit on 28-11-2008 by jakyll]

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