posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 09:50 AM
I'm not completly sure about your question, but I reckon the Kyoto protocol slows down technological development, since it aims to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Among other things, (cheap) alternative energysources are a part of technology in development.
So if you really think about it, the Kyoto protocol is useful to the oil industry, since it, among other things, slows down development of cheap
alternative energysources, and keeps us addicted to oil for a longer time and the oil industry can raise the price of oil without worrying too much,
and get more money, because there is no good replacement for oil.
It would benefit the whole world if the Kyoto protocol were to be removed and more money and resources were to be aimed to develop a cheap alternative
renewable energysource, or even multiple.
However I think that if that were to happen, the oil industry would definately do everything in their power to stop it, or effectively slow it down.