posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:40 PM
Great article by Michael Reagan.
"Sigmund Freud had a concept he called “projection, which has been defined as a defense where the ego deals with unacceptable impulses and/or
terrifying anxieties by attributing them to someone in the external world.
In many ways I think that explains the behavior of the media’s current patron saint, Cindy Sheehan, whose hate rhetoric aimed at President Bush is
really meant for someone else who she can’t admit even to herself is her real target. To do so would represent one of those “unacceptable
impulses” Dr. Freud was talking about.
In this case it could well be that Cindy Sheehan is projecting her rage at George Bush when the one she really despises is her late son Casey, who
died as a hero in Iraq, precisely because he did die a hero in Iraq."..........
Cindy tried to stop Casey from enlisting in the military. He rejected her pleas.
Cindy tried to stop him from re-enlisting. He snubbed her again.
Cindy even tried to get him to desert and flee to Canada. He refused.
Do you really think Casey would be supporting her on this decision?