posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 02:00 AM
Some of you may feel that I would be discrediting myself for entertaining the possibility
that "divine intervention" may have actually been extraterrestrial intervention.
There are so many references to ancient highly advanced civilizations, but most of the records
have been lost, hidden or deliberately destroyed.
Forgive me if you can for not trusting "the church" while still believing that some superiour entity
is watching over us.
Having seen the amazing detail in those verified 10,000 year old artifacts tells me that we know very little about our true origins.
Sadly, I feel that many well intended, good souls are being mislead by organized religion.
The oldest known fossil of modern humans, dating back 160,000 years.
Photo © 2000 David L. Brill, Brill Atlanta)
[edit on 29-8-2005 by FallenFromTheTree]