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posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 06:33 PM
Now wait just a minute Officer, I know my rights. How many times has this phrase been uttered to the Police? And should you even say it? Is it better to go along, and allow your Civil Rights to be violated, or should you stand up for your Rights?

An Alarming Trend

It seems that there is an alarming trend taking place in America; the inadequate training in the area of �Law and Rights� that our Police seem to be getting these days. Or, if they are being properly trained, they are choosing to ignore it. This is NOT a criticism of ALL Police Officers! MANY are out there doing a Fine Job! And a TOUGH Job, at that! They have Respect for the Public, and are there to truly help their fellow citizens. I give them great credit for doing a dangerous job, and am glad that they are out there, helping to rid our communities of the worst that society has to offer! Yet incidents such as these below are happening with much more frequency.

Sorry I didn't know where to put this.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 06:46 PM
Ill add to this list.

My mom and stepdad, both homeless now, were sleeping at a friends house. Some idiot neighbor called the cops and said there was a drug deal that had gone bad. (huh? a bunch of sleeping hippies?:puz

Anyway, the cops came to the property, kicked down the door, and my mom and stepdad awaoke to see little laser sighted dots dancing all over thier bodies and the room. They didnt move. The cops searched them, found my dads decorative pocket knife (a LEGAL knife) took the knife from him, and didnt give it back, they just ransacked the place, went through thier stuff, and left. Gace em warning and stuff, no apology.

Police state in action. All you have to have is a nosy #head neighbor who doesnt like you or just plain doesnt mind thier onw business to call the cops on you and there you have it.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 06:55 PM
Thats a sad story Skadi. Some people keep on making warnings that we'll become a police state, not realising that we are almost already in it.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 07:11 PM
Well, hell, look at all the cases where cops pull people over for "probable cause". Look at roadblocks and forced breathilizer tests. Hell, I got puleld over once by a state trooper who asked me how many drinks I had had that night. I had had nothing, and told him. He told me he wanted to see my license, my insurance, act. I was still wondering why I was being harrased, i had not been speeding or doing anything illegal. He told me it was illegal to pass in the carpool lane, which it is not, not at 2 am. the car in front was doing 20 miles udner the speed limit, so I passed it. I was doing 60.

I have seen alot of cases where cops just poull you over and claim youre breaking the speedlimit, or are suspicious, ect. Its all bull#.

This IS a police state!
We just dont know it yet.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 07:32 PM
Recently, I was pulled over by a cop. I was at a stop sign about to pull into a 45 mph lane. Your view is obstructed at this stop sign making it impossible to see oncoming traffic. I stopped and pulled out at the exact same time a police officer was SPEEDING around the corner. He pulled me over. I asked why I was pulled over and he said that I didn't stop at the sign?! How in the hell would he know? He couldn't even see the stop sign! I explained to him that both of our views were obstructed by hedges in front of the business. He walked me near the side of the road, pointed at the area he was coming from & said "your view wasn't obstructed, see". I said, "what?! we're at least a block from where this happened!" He said that I could take it to court..and I said that I would. Fortunately, he declined to give me a ticket, but insisted that my view was not obstructed. Sure, officer, I only stop at that sign TWICE a day. ::rolls eyes:: I understand that this is minor, but it's still disappointing.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 07:36 PM
To add to this -
I lwas in Northern Ireland during the troubles - if you would like to see what a country at war will do - try a google search on Prevention of Terrorism act 1972 - and the rights vested in the police at times like that. Im not saying right or wrong but when terrorism strikes a country things do tend to get a little blurred.

Did the act help us win the war against the IRA ? - I will leave that to others to comment.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 02:24 AM
I wonder if there are any cops here who could give us their perspective on this topic, but i think we all have horror stories on this topic, i know i have. Question, when you see a cop, do you feel safer, or do you feel at risk of being railroaded?

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by STROG
Question, when you see a cop, do you feel safer, or do you feel at risk of being railroaded? a modified street-car...or, worse yet, drive a modified street-car AND be brown-skinned...the question then is:

- Do I feel safer, or
- Do I feel at risk of being railroaded, or
- Do I drop it down a gear, mash the gas and get the hell outa town before that Mein Kampf reading blue-suited KKK supporter lays the smack with his nightstick...

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 03:21 PM
Alien, it will no longer matter what skin color you are. Soon, if you look like you are against the govornment, or look even a tad ticked with the NWO, that blue shirted NWO supporter will come crashing the smack down on your ass.

For now tho, since you are borwnskinned, Id have to chose the latter of youre three choices, since, the cop more than likely, if hes one of THOSE cops, will probably claim you were acting suspiciously and kick your ass for resiting arrest because you simply asked him what charges does he have.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by alien

Originally posted by STROG
Question, when you see a cop, do you feel safer, or do you feel at risk of being railroaded? a modified street-car...or, worse yet, drive a modified street-car AND be brown-skinned...the question then is:

- Do I feel safer, or
- Do I feel at risk of being railroaded, or
- Do I drop it down a gear, mash the gas and get the hell outa town before that Mein Kampf reading blue-suited KKK supporter lays the smack with his nightstick...

Ahem. I am training up to be a "Mein Kampf reading bule suited KKK supporter".

Its often not the skin colour, sometimes, yes of course it is. You will always have people like that. Especially with all the Saffies coming over and joining up. However, the majority of police I know will not do that, based on skin colour.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 06:46 PM
I have been pulled over more than once...

once at 5:30 am for doing a Michigan speed stop...(you know what I mean)

anyway I sat there for 15 minuts while he questioned whether I had been drinking...I was on my way to work, was thursday morning, I was holding a cup of coffee. He let me go with a warning.

Try this sometime..

Officer..Your licence please!
you......Uhh,..isnt it on the back bumper sir?
officer...are you trying to get smart with me?! opposed to what sir?

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 07:01 PM
Man I can relate exactly to some of the stories in that article. All I have to say is thank God I got 3 lawyers in my family (my uncle and his 2 sons). About 3 years ago I got pulled over by a cop. I had no idea why he was pulling me over because I did nothing wrong. He asked me for my Liscence and registration. I asked him why he was pulling me over. He did not answer and he asked me again for my papers. I told him that unless he told me why I was stopped I was not going to give him anything. The cop got pissed off and said that if I had nothing to hide that I should give him the papers. I told him to kiss my a$$. He then cuffed me and searched the car without asking. He then had my car towed and he drove me to the police station. I was so Irrate that the first thing I did when I got there was call my uncle. When my uncle got to the station he talked to the chief and asked why I was detained. When they couldn't give him straight answer he demanded my immediate release and told the police chief to be ready for a lawsuit. I was released imediately and the next day my uncle filed the lawsuit. And guess what? We won. The cop who pulled me over was fired shortly after that.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 07:07 PM
The end of the article urges you to contact your local reps and tell them to insure cops get proper training.

The cops are getting the training they are wanted to get. Were they to receive proper training, they'd realize what is expected of them violates citizens' rights, or as the citizens expect. Were they to be told the truth, they'd know the reason behind it all. So instead, they are half informed and put out on the street.


posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 04:07 PM
Alien, I grew up on the south side of chicago, probably one of 4 white people there. I understand completely what you mean by racism coming from cops. I live in the suburbs of chicago now and its amazing how they act. Every one of them thinks they are Rambo and are gonna make big changes by hassling people for minor traffic violations. In the city it was totally different, the cops didnt want a problem and they also know people dont take any shyte from them. In the suburbs they think they are invincible and that everyone should cower in fear. Due to the high levels of harrassment my friends and I have been getting, we decided to fight back and make a video of police breaking laws. Everything from speeding to running lights to tailgating. I recently sent a video we made to 3 police stations in the town i live in, (without a return address). There is a cop on my block that I asked about it and he said the whole police station flipped out when they saw it. I have no idea what will happen now but he told me 2 officers have been fired so far. I know it isnt much, but it is a start. I am 25, so its not like we are 16 year olds being stupid on the road and asking for a problem.

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