posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 01:58 AM
i have never listened to hemisync music before, but i have found something that has worked very well for inducing different states in the brain. if
hemisync doesnt end up working, then try this out. they are called binaural beats. there are several programs out there for different OS, so look
around and get whichever suits you best.
binarual beats is audio, yet not music. it is actually quite amazing. you NEED headphones to listen though. PC speakers will not work. i will give a
brief explanation. one hertz is one beat per second (in lamens terms). your brain operates anywhere between tenths of a hertz up to roughly 30 hertz
(on average, some sources claim up to 60 herts). there are different states that our brain operates at. much slower for deep sleep, quite fast for
being up and awake. binaural beats will create a certain pulse in your ears, and your brain will pick up this beat, and start to operate at the same
human ears can not hear anything below 20 hertz, so with binaural beats it puts, for example, 400 hertz in the left ear, and 410 hertz in the right.
your two ears pick up different tones which are mixed in the brain. the resultant tone would be 10 hertz, which would be a fairly relaxed yet awake
brain state.
This is the magic of Binarual Beats.
I have had quite good results using binaural beats. I ended up downloading the program SBaGen. This is an EXTREMELY powerful program. you can make it
do ANYTHING you want it to do. but the catch is that the learning curve is very steep. it took me 3 days of straight reading, studying, and poking
around, trying things out to just begin to pick it up. there are other programs that are much easier to use, so if you are not computer literate then
go with an easier one. otherwise you can get SBaGen
Try this out if hemisync doesnt work out. Let me know how things go! Good luck!