posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 03:50 PM
Sadly I might not be around for a week or so, as I am going into hopital
Great, I hear some of you shout, peace at least, I know not all will miss me!
A few of you know that I have a problem with my back, well its my spine that's crumbling (with 6 of my disc's that are damaged as well)before anyone
ask's, too long a story tell why, how and who!
This wont be my first exploratory operation either, they are now hoping that a new device that is out now may help my spine and support me more (it
wont stop it crumbling/disintegrating either) but it might just slow the process down with any luck.
So Im going to be a guinea-pig basically (yet again) to see if this can help me out. (Im not holding my breath though, been here before so I know what
to expect?)
Anyway I might not be around here, but dragonrider will be ringing me up (even though Im going to be in hospital) so he will be able to let anyone
know how Im doing (thats if your interested) but don't worry if you see my name saying that Im logged in, it might just be my son here. (just keeping
an eye out for me)
well I am here for the next day or so anyway.
[Edited on 1-9-2003 by blackwidow666]