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disclosure and fall 2005/06 fall TV shows

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posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:44 PM
I have seen more than a couple of "Lost" copycat T.V. commercials for new shows on N.B.C.. C.B.S., and A.B.C. that are coming out this fall that are plot driven by alien contact. Could this be the next step in disclosure? We all know how popular Lost was/is.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:53 PM
In a

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:57 PM
I think the best way for disclosure is not through a live feed from the white house, but slowly through the idiot box.......... Seriously.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:34 PM
I posted an article a while back on ATSNN related to this subject. It basically said how there is a huge jump in the amount of alien and paranormal-style programming on the major networks this fall. Of course, it was voted down by many of the morons on here as they couldn't see the connection between this and eventual disclosure. But oh well...

Let's at least hope that most of these programs are half-way decent and actually last more than one season!

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:38 PM
eyeballkid...Its true its like pulling off a band-aid, slow and easy is the only way. This is a lame metaphor i know but is seems human to what it that way

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
I posted an article a while back on ATSNN related to this subject. It basically said how there is a huge jump in the amount of alien and paranormal-style programming on the major networks this fall. Of course, it was voted down by many of the morons on here as they couldn't see the connection between this and eventual disclosure. But oh well...

Let's at least hope that most of these programs are half-way decent and actually last more than one season!

Where is this thread? I would have posted here! (your thread) sorry! What are the names of the various series? ( I can't remember.. one i called invasion on N.B.C.) This could be a good thread to those that have done research and want disclosure, however it may come..

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by jetsetter
In a
no jokes please.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:54 PM
It really depends on what is shown thou.
For example, i've noticed a lot more Alien reference in shows, if not complete series or documentaries about the subject but that isn't enough to spell disclosure as these things always travell in waves.

BUT, the thing i've noticed is that the presentation of Aliens is becoming a lot more consentrated and precise. We're seeing a lot more similarities rather than just unique imaginatory ideas of Alien life.

The Mayans said we are going to move into a new phaze of consciousness circa 2012, they think the world will change so much that it will be a new place. Now people think that could be a metor or a nuclear war but i don't think that changes our consciousness as much as an introduction to a new entity.

There's nothing that could change the human race and it's entire belief system more so than an undeniable Alien presence in the world. Religion would be shaken to the core, answers would be needed on so many levels that we'd be forced to accept a new way of understanding our existance.

I'm hoping that's what the Mayans were expecting, Nuclear war is just way to out of style - what a dissapointment if that's all we get in 2012!

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:55 PM
Perhaps - who knows?

What about the 2 Billion + people without TV sets, who's going to tell them!

I think the media know there is a guaranteed market for sci fi - so they'll exploit it as much as they can.

I would be looking a world events before relying on the idiot box to condion me for disclosure.

just a thought!

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by TheShroudOfMemphis

It really depends on what is shown thou.
For example, i've noticed a lot more Alien reference in shows, if not complete series or documentaries about the subject but that isn't enough to spell disclosure as these things always travell in waves.

BUT, the thing i've noticed is that the presentation of Aliens is becoming a lot more consentrated and precise. We're seeing a lot more similarities rather than just unique imaginatory ideas of Alien life.

The Mayans said we are going to move into a new phaze of consciousness circa 2012, they think the world will change so much that it will be a new place. Now people think that could be a metor or a nuclear war but i don't think that changes our consciousness as much as an introduction to a new entity.

There's nothing that could change the human race and it's entire belief system more so than an undeniable Alien presence in the world. Religion would be shaken to the core, answers would be needed on so many levels that we'd be forced to accept a new way of understanding our existance.

I'm hoping that's what the Mayans were expecting, Nuclear war is just way to out of style - what a dissapointment if that's all we get in 2012!

[edit on 25-8-2005 by eyeballkid]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Doesn't this line of reasoning imply that the studios are in some position to actually assist in the process of disclosure, though? I mean, for this to be true, the studios would have to either know something about the truth behind alien visitation themselves or have been told by some government agency to produce programs dealing with aliens as the subject matter. In all honesty, I just can't see either of these as reflecting the reality of the situation.

Television studios are interested largely in making money. I would argue that the reason we may see more programs concerning aliens is not as a precursor to disclosure, but simply due to the fact that the studios have seen other successful alien-related shows (Taken and The 4400, for example - yes, they're not technically aliens, but we didn't know that for the first season) and wish to hop on the bandwagon. When a formula or a concept works, it is natural to want to use that formula repeatedly, since it obviously reflects what the public is attracted to at the time, therefore generating increased profits. If shows about aliens are proving to be popular and are therefore generating advertising revenue, it is natural to expect the studios to produce more shows that have to do with aliens.

As for disclosure coming from the mass media rather than through official channels, how long are they going to wait to "prepare us"? There have been shows and movies that deal with aliens as the subject matter, both fiction and non-fiction, for decades. I think that the general populace is as prepared as it is ever going to be. I think that if disclosure ever does occur, it must come from some official, government source. I simply don't believe that other agencies, like the media, know the reality of what is going on.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
Doesn't this line of reasoning imply that the studios are in some position to actually assist in the process of disclosure, though? I mean, for this to be true, the studios would have to either know something about the truth behind alien visitation themselves or have been told by some government agency to produce programs dealing with aliens as the subject matter. In all honesty, I just can't see either of these as reflecting the reality of the situation.

Television studios are interested largely in making money. I would argue that the reason we may see more programs concerning aliens is not as a precursor to disclosure, but simply due to the fact that the studios have seen other successful alien-related shows (Taken and The 4400, for example - yes, they're not technically aliens, but we didn't know that for the first season) and wish to hop on the bandwagon. When a formula or a concept works, it is natural to want to use that formula repeatedly, since it obviously reflects what the public is attracted to at the time, therefore generating increased profits. If shows about aliens are proving to be popular and are therefore generating advertising revenue, it is natural to expect the studios to produce more shows that have to do with aliens.

As for disclosure coming from the mass media rather than through official channels, how long are they going to wait to "prepare us"? There have been shows and movies that deal with aliens as the subject matter, both fiction and non-fiction, for decades. I think that the general populace is as prepared as it is ever going to be. I think that if disclosure ever does occur, it must come from some official, government source. I simply don't believe that other agencies, like the media, know the reality of what is going on.

I'm sorry I tried to quote someone else and created a double thread...anyway these shows are pointing to something specific... The advertisement for Invasion shows am image of a particular crop circle ( spheres radiating from a central point into larger spheres, then progressing to smaller spheres representing a galaxy)

[edit on 25-8-2005 by eyeballkid]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:15 PM

these shows are pointing to something specific

What is it you think they are pointing to? How is it that you think the television studios are in a position to know anything about the truth behind alien visitation and disclose it to the general public? Unless you think that the television studios are being utilised by the government in order to pave the way for disclosure?

Also, I'm sorry but how does the portrayal of one crop circle point towards anything specific? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I really think you may be reading more into this than there truly is. The studios' motive is money. They see the success of other alien shows and copy them.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:22 PM
I agree with you completely about studios wanting money, they are jumping on the bandwagon of Lost... but with aliens. Do you suppose that entertainment and news is indirectly controlled by the government? Of course it is, just ask Howard Stern. (NOT A FAN!)

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25

these shows are pointing to something specific

What is it you think they are pointing to? How is it that you think the television studios are in a position to know anything about the truth behind alien visitation and disclose it to the general public? Unless you think that the television studios are being utilised by the government in order to pave the way for disclosure?

Also, I'm sorry but how does the portrayal of one crop circle point towards anything specific? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I really think you may be reading more into this than there truly is. The studios' motive is money. They see the success of other alien shows and copy them.
Wish I had a link, but the commericial showed a crop cirlce yet to be debunked (circles radiating from a center point. (famous among crop circle researchers.)

[edit on 25-8-2005 by eyeballkid]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:42 PM

I agree with you completely about studios wanting money, they are jumping on the bandwagon of Lost... but with aliens.

Well, either they are simply trying to make money from a popular trend in science fiction, or they are part of a process to disclose the truth about alien visitation to Earth. You said that these shows were pointing to something specific - what do you think their agenda is, if not to simply make money?

Do you suppose that entertainment and news is indirectly controlled by the government? Of course it is, just ask Howard Stern.

Well, I am not really in a position to comment on this, since it appears that, at least here in Australia, the government has absolutely nothing to do with control of entertainment and news.

the commericial showed a crop cirlce yet to be debunked

Again, how is this pointing towards anything specific or towards disclosure more broadly? It seems as though it may simply be a cool motif that might complement the show's premise. Do you really think that the inclsuion of a crop circle is some form of hidden message or trying to make a point regarding disclosure? Do you think that the people who wrote and produced the show know anything about crop circles other than they look cool in a show about aliens, especially given their successful use in the movie 'Signs'? I mean, the show is called 'Invasion' and features a crop circle and 'Signs' was about an alien invasion and crop circles. It just seems to me to be more evidence that tv studios lack originality and are simply trying to make money from the commercial success of a popular movie by drawing on the same themes for their show.

[edit on 25/8/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
Doesn't this line of reasoning imply that the studios are in some position to actually assist in the process of disclosure, though? I mean, for this to be true, the studios would have to either know something about the truth behind alien visitation themselves or have been told by some government agency to produce programs dealing with aliens as the subject matter. In all honesty, I just can't see either of these as reflecting the reality of the situation.

I don't actually think the studios would be privy to anything more than the rest of us but it's interesting to note that the further along we move, the more and more the Alien/UFO concept is becoming less of a sci-fi thing and more of a possability.

I don't think the media are responsable for 'watering us down' so to speak, but i think that UFO research is starting to show in the mainstream media that it's definitly found it's legs and it can tell you a lot more than what the governments will tell you and for that reason, UFOs and Aliens are becoming more accepted as a possible entity in general public.

Most people may still not actually 'believe' because they have religious beliefs and ideals which they hold more closely but it's like chipping away at the stone and more and more people are starting to see the possability as a real possability. Yesterday we had a block of marble, today we have an obvious figure showing, tomorrow we'll have a perfect example to show everyone.

This does make disclosure easier but at the end of the day, it will always be a shock to the majority. Aslong as the media keeps using good examples to base their shows/movies off, it will help in disclosure and it does seem like they are starting to turn to UFO research for ideas, rather than making them up themselves.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:23 AM
I think the conspiracy here, would be more about maintaining the notion that UFOs are just imaginary things talked about by people who watch too much T.V.

I just can't see fictional T.V. shows as disclosure material, but they have been used in the past to discredit peoples claims , Betty and Barney Hill for example, were said to have seen a T.V. show episode about an abduction.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
I think the conspiracy here, would be more about maintaining the notion that UFOs are just imaginary things talked about by people who watch too much T.V.

I just can't see fictional T.V. shows as disclosure material, but they have been used in the past to discredit peoples claims , Betty and Barney Hill for example, were said to have seen a T.V. show episode about an abduction.

For sure, TV shows are most definetly used for swaying people away from the real cause but i think it can work both ways, it depends on the subject and the presentation i guess.

A classic example was this 9/11 documentary i saw on TV once. It was one those 're-enactment' ones where they take the story and play it out with actors. It was just laughable by the end, my favourite bit was as the plane was heading towards the WTC, the 4 or 5 arab looking men were just standing in the cockpit watching the building get closer and closer, then they held hands and with a really stressed look on their faces, started praying.
In reality, those planes were pulling around 8 g's as they were screaming into the buildings, many pilots have discussed that openly as proof that the planes weren't flown by hijackers, if by human at all, yet in the TV version they made sure the person watching it knew that at the last second, even the terrorists were scarred and worried about what they were doing and it was done purely to make the viewer feel comfortable.

Sometimes thou, it could be useful to show it exactly how it is on TV, simply so the majority who don't read up on things like Aliens and UFOs would simply write anyone off because they 'saw it on a TV show' once, it depends how it's done and the logic behind the presentation. In regards to the 9/11 one, it was just illogical which is why it was so obvious but many people wouldn't think that way when watching it and for those people, the manipulation worked.

I think the fictional shows are borrowing from the ever growing UFO research which is why we are seeing similarities. The documentaries are where we'd find subtle uses of disclosure or misinfo.


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