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Liberal Hippie Teacher... I'll never make it...

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posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 08:13 PM
Okay, so basically I take this class Environmental Science, which in my school is basically a blow off... Everyone knows the teacher is totally crazy and liberal (she calls herself "political"), and everyone also knows that she's a total dumbass of a teacher and has no idea what's going on around her. So usually the class is composed of a bunch of seniors looking for an easy class as their last credit. I, however, had only a choice between this class, Bio II, and AP Bio... I am NOT a Bio kind of person... So I got stuck in Environmental...

Now this lady, who will henceforth be known as Stratton, is INSANELY liberal. I am pretty much conservative... This tends to clash--- She wants to kill Bush and save the rainforest... I say save Bush and chop those trees down!!! Unfortunately, I'm not much of an environmentalist, and while I think it important to have trees and oxygen and such, I just can't really bring myself to care too much about not having trees long after I'm dead... She's one of those teachers who likes to impose her own ideas on you, and this works generally in my class because most of my classmates are anti-Bush as well... So it's only been a week, and I already feel the need to beat my head against the wall...

This post really isn't going anywhere... I just felt the need to rant... Just wanted to put that out there...

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 08:55 PM
I had an English Writing teacher in college that ran left of Marx. She was born and raised in Southern California but you would have never known it to look at her. She was an average height, white female, rail thin with ghost like pale skin. She had short dirty un-kept hair which she wore underneath a red beret. She wore the beret like a commando would wear it, pulled down to the side. She walked around in the classroom like she was waiting for the revolution to fire off any minute.

This lady was wacky, loony, crazy. She would start to teach the basics of writing then go off into these long tangents about various liberal agendas. I was a Deputy Sheriff at the time and one of her rants covered the topic of police brutality. She was of the mind that all cops were evil incarnate and constantly referred to them as anything but police officers.

Man could I describe to you some awesome fights we got into in that class room. I fought her on police topics, Christianity, government, you name it. Looking back on it I think the class probably thought we were both crazy!


posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:21 PM
Ack! You made me think of my grade 12 Western Civ teacher. :bash:

I think he was an actual communist and he hated me. I wasn't doing very well in his class, because I thought the man was an idiot and I don't usually bother trying to hide that kind of thing. We had group assignments to do and he said if I participated in two groups, he would give me extra marks, which I desperately needed. Not only did I have to dress up in an 19th century French gown and dance the minuet in front of all our classmates with one group; but I spent the day at his house babysitting his child and cooking a traditional 19th century French dinner with the other.

When our report cards came out, I discovered he had changed his mind about the extra credits.
This caused my first trip to the principal to complain about him. He wasn't very happy about that at all.

It got to the point where he refused to grade my final paper on the decline of the Roman Empire. The first sentence of my essay offended him.
It was handed back to me with 'I refuse to even read this piece of garbage' scrawled across the top in red pen. So I went back to the principal and he read it, called Mr. Bigdumbjerkface to the office, informed him that I had received an A on the paper and would he please make the appropriate notation in his journal.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Not only did I have to dress up in an 19th century French gown and dance the minuet in front of all our classmates with one group

Hey, if you were not man enough to stand up to your teacher and tell him that there was no way in Green Hell that you were going to where a dress and dance French style in front of the class then you deserve to wear that dress!

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:46 PM
If I were a man you would be right.

And it was a very pretty dress. I should have gotten an A just for letting that old pervert even see me in that dress. I had to give my dance partner crap for staring down the front of it during the performance. I thought I was being quiet but all of a sudden everyone watching burst into laughter! Boy, was he ever embarrassed.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Duzey
The first sentence of my essay offended him.
It was handed back to me with 'I refuse to even read this piece of garbage' scrawled across the top in red pen. So I went back to the principal and he read it, called Mr. Bigdumbjerkface to the office, informed him that I had received an A on the paper and would he please make the appropriate notation in his journal.

Oh so owned...

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Alcor
I just can't really bring myself to care too much about not having trees long after I'm dead... ....................She's one of those teachers who likes to impose her own ideas on you

Doesn't that sound like your own conflict to you? I mean you said she likes to impose her ideas on you, but your lack of caring about the issues present today definitely imposes possible problems for other people in the future, regardless of if you're dead or not.

It is kind of like the person or group who ruins it for everyone else because they could care less, so the consequences eventually becomes everyone's.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 09:41 PM

ROFL. You got me good man...I mean Woman!

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ben91069
Doesn't that sound like your own conflict to you? I mean you said she likes to impose her ideas on you, but your lack of caring about the issues present today definitely imposes possible problems for other people in the future, regardless of if you're dead or not.

It is kind of like the person or group who ruins it for everyone else because they could care less, so the consequences eventually becomes everyone's.

It's not like I'm going to go run around chopping down trees with my chainsaw while screaming "SCREW YOU ALL, I HATE TREES!" I think it's a great idea to keep the trees we don't need to use. I just don't have this deep love for the trees to where I need to go to great this great distance to tell the world that I love the trees... I'm also not going to go running around the rainforest with a big heart around a tree on my t-shirt screaming "I LOVE TREES!" and hugging every one I see.

As amusing as all that sounds, the tree thing realy isn't my biggest problem with her, it's just her uber-liberalness and hatred of Bush that's driving me crazy.

Trees are great, so is Bush- But I'm not going to chain myself to either one to save it from dying...

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:40 PM
My government teacher was crazy left. Everday there was a debate if not on the War or about Bush it was either taxes, welfare, social, senatorial, ss, etc...
There wasn't a day when there wasn't some off hand remark about the right or 'just like psychology'. she was cool though and passed me at the end of my senior year even though I had a 50 in that class.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:43 AM
My media studies teacher was an unashamed 1960's femanist. And one of the best teachers i ever had.

She was open minded, tolerant and painfully funny.

Until you mentioned Sex and the City.....

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 08:16 AM
I think you'll find plenty of ammo out there to combat those environmental fabrications. Refer her to a basic college level physical geography text which will better put things in perspective dealing with climate. Also, remind her the global warming scenario is a computer gerenated model with a 300 percent error. Actual studies from the past 20 years do not agree.

We have been living in hisotrically one of the tamest climates earth has known but nothing has ever guaranteed it would remain that way as it is by nature dynamic whether we're here or not. Earth has been up to 10 degrees warmer and we are still technically in an ice age because ice on the earth is not a normal state for its climate.

Also remind her that we have more forested land in the US today than we had 100 years ago and that only about 5 percent of the land mass of the US has been developed. My bet is, she'll put her fingers in her ears, shut her eyes and chant like a 4th grader.

Also tell her that there are no ancient forest in the US as most forest have been destroyed by fire or glaciers numerous times and have grown back.

Here is east KY, we are having it out with those in the western flat part of the state because we allow mining operations to flatten the top 1/3 rd of mountains for coal. For some reason, they expect us to starve to death so they can fly over every now and then and see the mountains. Must be nice. Our situaution is much more dyer. We are now using the reclaimed mountian tops for development and for the return of once indigenous species such as elk and grouse who do not thrive in our remaining vast forested lands. Leveling the tops of mountians and filling the hollows also slows rainwater run-off limiting erosion and causing intermittent streams to flow slower and thus longer year round. That limits silt to our major streams and rivers and the wealth from the coal makes sure most of the Eastern US still has lights to turn on.

So, there is my rant to add to yours. Its something my agency, which also sponsors programs like PRIDE and such are behind. Sometimes an uneducated politically motivated enviromentalist can have an even more adverse effect on the environment than an educated conservationalist. When I say educated, I don't freakin mean liberal arts or elementary teacher education. I mean forestry managment and ecology.

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