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best footage of first plane hitting wtc

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posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Shroomery
If you think the problem will be solved by removing Bush and Cheney, think again. You atleast need to get to the root of this "shadow" government they admitted to have.

This may be getting off-topic, but I think the real problem behind all of this is our style of capitalism, with all of these monstrously wealthy and power corporations, and a centralized government for them to manipulate. If socialism is when a government controls the corporations, and fascism when the corporations control the government, then not only are we as good as fascist, but we also have a good idea of where we need to be: localized government with strict limits on corporate power.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 09:40 AM
I agree with that one hundred percent and then some. Small, decentralized decision-making power is not only more responsive to the needs of a local community, it is also a lot harder wfor large and oligarchic corporate mecahnisms to control. The smaller and more localized the decision-making power the better---when you have a system like that in place, corporate power if often curbed right off the bat because you can institiute things like government review of corporate charters (which used to be quite common in this country, and corporations were often dissolved when their charter expired) and corruption is a lot less common because people will tend not to sell out their neighbors who know where to find athem and how to hold them accountable. It's not a panacea, a lot of places would be run in ways I'd never want to deal with, but if that's the case you just move to another community more in line with your own ideals.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 10:13 AM
I would like to know what the camera guy was even that close to the firefighter, with his too axes, and whats going on in the grate?

That camera guy is dang good, I would think I would have him covering something other than a grate.
He should be making some big bucks somewhere.

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