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British Politics: Blair and 'New Labour'

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posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:47 AM
we know that they are in trouble.

alistair campbell, the arrogant, unelected, ignorant spin king who was effectively the deputy PM has resigned. but of course it has NOTHING to do with the fact that theres a fire burning right under his ass over the issue of kelly and the hutton inquiry. of course it has NOTHING to do with the fact that he declared war on the BBC and lost

blair is in trouble. the public dont trust him. many say that he is not the man they voted for when he came to power. many think he should go. after the Million man march in february, it must have suddenly dawned on him that, whereas his cronies are obedient servants, the british public are free thinking, and did not want a war. but did that stop him? NO! Why? because he had already sold out to the war mongers in washington. he is so busy fighting other nations wars that he has not realised that the country he was elected to serve is crying out for attention. when asked if he would resign, he refused to answer. draw your own conclusions

Then there is the issue of labours spending. the NHS is collapsing around our ears. the govermnet gives the NHS some money, not really enough, but when asked for more, swears that there is no more money available.
same with schools. teachers aren't being paid enough money to live near their schools
the trains in this country are a disgrace they are dirty, late and poorly maintained
BUT bush clicks his fingers and suddenly there is a nice �3billion+ fund to go off and invade some country that could hardly have attacked its neighbours if it had tried. because lets face it, since the end of desert storm, the allies had still been attacking the iraqi military infrastructure

it is my duty to point out these facts, but i feel that blair will escape the wrath that he so richly deserves. do you know why? becuase there is no suitable replacement party from the opposition. and who would you suggest as the replacement from within?

new labour is starting to look more like new conservative

the british public do not know who to vote for, trapped between incompetence from the opposition, and ignorance lies and arrogance from the people that they trusted to lead the british people into the 21st century. some are resigned to being treated like dirt, like idiots and fools. some are resigned to falling into the chancellors 'Tax Trap' and being robbed blind. some are resigned to having to wait months for operations that would greatly improve their life, or having to go into continental europe for said operations.

but, what are we to do? they are too entrenched for a revolution. they have allies in the media that drown out the smaller parties' voices.

i do not have answers unfortunately, but i have a hell of a lot of questions. if anyone here has views as to the situation in british politics, then please share

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:32 AM
as an afterthought i would like to point out that next year elections are due

also a friend who just read this made the following point:

a goverment without opposition is a bad goverment. it is un-democratic

any thoughts?

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 03:05 PM
The situation of Brittish politics is dreary at best. My view is that Tony Blair is on a crusade to make every member of Labour a Conservative, including his supporters.

By doing this he is creating a one party state, Vote Torie, or vote Labourconservative........what a choice. No one is willing to take the risk of voting for anyone else, so without a serious revolution we are #ed.....

Whats more, Tony Blair is completely out of touch with "us". He has spent so long on his conservative convertion that he is now just like a political robot. He has a little voice in the world, the only real decisions he has a say in on the world stage are those initiated by Bush......

Personally, I'd like to see the Liberal Democrats have a go......they can't do much worse, and if they screwed the country up, well at least we'd know revolution would be the only solution....

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 03:40 PM
Yes well I too worry about the state we are today. I for one don�t trust the troies and Ian Duncan Smith they are just opportunistic bastards. I would like to vote back Tony but he is too close to the Americans and is too easily swayed by the Americans. He helps them at every opportunity all in efforts to supposedly make Britain the second in command in world influence. However relying on this is not my idea of how we should achieve influence, in my opinion the gaining of such influence should be done on ones owns power and if you don�t have this power, every effort should be done to attain it. Even to go as far as to work against US agendas. I should say though that we British still believe in power politics and that I am proud of.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 03:43 PM
i dont vote, because i dont think it matters.. even if 70% vote liberals as they probably will. i still think after next election blair will still be there...

looks like america isnt the only place with problems..

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:09 AM
Thank you for illustrating my point

the fact that you dont vote shows the position of the people. they cant and wont vote against their principles or political veiws

as for the tories they are opportunistic B*****ds. plus they cant stop arguing among themselves. so any hope of a serious challenge from them is dashed. but ask yourself, do you want the tories running the country?

as a another point against labours unbielevable arrogance, i would like to remind you all about the issue of WMD. the long and the short of it is, they made comments on saddams WMD (WHICH STILL HAVE NOT BEEN FOUND), which the CIA said they were unaware of. therefore they had the balls to say that the bunch of public schoolboys running our country knew more than the CIA! also i would like to point out to blair & Co that we are very much the 'junior partners' in the 'war on terror' (war on former employees of the CIA), and that the US regime is using us. the point i made above ilustrates this. whatever bush says, our government accepts. but when our goverment makes a little to much noise, bush is quick to put distance between us

poor old tony. he thought that he would be close to bush, just as it was with clinton.

but he will soon come to realise that the bush Mafia doesnt give a damn about anyone but themselves

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