There is a section in the Bible in the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, that talks about the armor of God. It has some interesting symbolism, apparently,
and seems to call to the warrior's heart in understanding how spiritual warfare works. Yet, how does that apply to the world today, when a warrior is
looked down upon and we are expected to be nice, peaceful, and timid as men by both the world and the church?
I was reading a book called
Wild At
Heart, by John Eldredge. It is an incredible book! The author proposes that, while the world demands one thing of us as men, our spiritual
journies are, in fact, going through rugged country, not paved city streets. The spiritual journeys we are all on is untamed country calling for that
warrior to fight for their soul. Near the end of the book he goes into the Armor of God, and it made me realize something.
I love that chapter in Ephesians. I am actually in the process with a friend of developing a video game where the goal is to put on the full armor of
God and have it reinforced (if ya want details, I'd be happy to share) by the time you reach the end of the quest. Yet in reading it, and even making
a videogame based on it, I never really understood the actual
armor aspect. I had assumed it was just because at the times Roman soldiers were
all over and the pieces of the armor were those worn by a Roman Centurian. It is so much more than that!
The pieces of the armor are as follows:
The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Righteousness
The Greves (leg armor, sometimes translated as the boots or feet shod with) of Peace
The Shield of Faith Above All (to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one)
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God)
I believe there is another piece to the armor that comes from 1 Peter 5:5: The Cloak of Humility. It completes the armor, and Rick Joyner did an
amazing job of explaining its importance in our battle garb in his book, The Final Quest.
On this thread, I am going to go through the pieces of armor, and explain them as best I can. This is an introduction, of sorts. As of now, I have an
inkling of where it's going to go, but I will be doing a lot of research into it, the church in Ephesis, and go through many interpretations to
deliver as best I can how I believe this should be interpreted.
There is one thing, though, that has really struck me about the
full Armor of God. There is nothing protecting our backs. We have been
instructed to face the Enemy head on, not to turn tail and run. If we run, if we flee, we can be struck down. As long as we face our foe, using the
Armor of God, we will triumph. This section of Paul's letter to the church in Ephesis even has gotten the subtitle in many translations of "A Call
To Walk In Victory," because Ephesians 6 calls us to walk in victory, and explains how.
That idea of the back not having armor struck me a while back, and I had believed that this was a call to stand and fight, never turn your back on the
enemy. While writing this, though, something occured to me. We are never called to battle alone. We need fellowship. In the NIV, the word
"Fellowship", aka companionship, is mentioned 98 times. We cannot stand alone. We need Christ with us, but we also need other Christians there to
support and fight with us. We need someone there who will defend our backs.
I am going to try to cover a piece of armor at least once a week, but please, interject any thoughts or ideas you may have on this, or any questions.
I and many others who frequent these boards may be able to answer or know where to find the answer to your questions.