posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 07:35 AM
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Hi All.
I'm Tayesin and as you can see I am new to this forum.
Currently I am the President of my area's UFO and Paranormal Research Group, which allows me some access to a little interesting information from
time to time. Where possible I will gladly share it with you.
Also I am a dedicated sharer of simple methods to get people to their Soul level awareness in order to firstly experience their true nature and
secondly to help them meet their Guides directly so that they can access their own answers to their questions. This isn't something that I do in a
'new-age', airt-fairy way, but moreso in a direct, simple and down to earth manner.
I am a single father with one daughter who still pushes my buttons as often as she can, which I suppose also makes me a grumpy old beggar from time to
I try as much as possible to not be boxed in by set belief system rules, as I see all such systems as being human creations and therefore very
limiting in their ability to allow you to experience anything outside of it's own box. And in a strange way I see that most of the world's
societies are filled with people who are 'plugged into a Dream', in an almost Marix kind of way.
I have much to share with you if you are interested, and most of what I do understand comes directly from many hundreds of Soul Journeys with
Guidance. The crux of it is always based on this little rule..'Keep it Simple' The reason being that I spent twenty years allowing myself to get
lost in the complexities before I learned that any belief is a poor substititute for direct experience!
Also, I am half-way through writting my first book about all the really weird experiences I had from childhood till now, it has been edited by a
wonderful old woman and I hope that I will meet someone who may help with the publishing side of the work.
Well, that's a quick run down on me, so thnx to you if got to the end of it.
Love Always.