posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:33 PM
See, this is what happens under A$$croft.
While the focus is on removing nude statues and stripping away every American civil liberty under Patriot Acts and yet more newly named abominaTIONS,
more and more international incidents brew!
And some useless excuse for a 'president' comes out with stupidity like "Bringe 'em on!"
Your super duper sonar-radar HemmerhoidSat G-9000 cannot harm me... My mask is like a shield of steel. (You are more of what A$$croft called you than
I thought, if you know which Hal Seeger character spoke like that!)
Small expectation, no trepidation.
Pssssssssssst... can we keep this seemly, with at least one political scandal per post!