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Is conservitive talk radio dying?

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posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 11:28 AM
There are two points people have mentioned in this thread that I think are the main reasons:

First, people are just getting bored of hearing the same thing over and over. That's the reason I stopped listening to NPR. They are in serious need of new presenters. Sometimes I could swear I'm listening to voices from beyond the grave. I'm still a big radio fan, but I listen mainly to the World Service, PRI, and some local, listener sponsored stations.

Second, regarding conservative talk radio, I heard a talk show segment where they were discussing this, and the general opinion of the guests was that the average conservative-but-non-religious segment of America is getting a little wary of the religious right, who expound values that are seemingly impossible to live up to.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 01:18 PM
I tend to agree with the premise of your post. People get tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I have tired of listening to Sean Hannity alot in the last six is the same thing with the same attitude ..over and over. Also the thing that irritates me the most is the awareness that there is such a large audience in talk radio that the advertisers have innundated this medium with a constant calcaphony of advertising signifying almost nothing ...the same with much of the programming. Betweent the constant insult of the advertisers...bombarding me with thier drivel and the tiring of listening to Sean Hannity and the like..I have switched to getting most of my news and info from the web and the radio I have switched to classical stations as they have much much less advertising.
I do not consider the Natalee Holloway story front page news...nation wide. While my sympathys go out to Mrs H olloway..the story was not front page news to me. For all that matter so is the story about Cindy Sheehan. I do not consider this type of bombardment nightly news worthy to be droned on night after night after night after night after nauseum. No matter what station or medium is broadcasting it. be fair to the medium..I find little of intrest in the bubble gum news format on CNN et al. Hence the switch to the compter for my news and info.

My opininon on your second part of your post:

"Second, regarding conservative talk radio, I heard a talk show segment where they were discussing this, and the general opinion of the guests was that the average conservative-but-non-religious segment of America is getting a little wary of the religious right, who expound values that are seemingly impossible to live up to. "

High values are a blessing. We see what is happening to our youth and much of our middle class public ..who see most of this country in terms of what they consume..not what they know about thier history ..thier ancestors al. We now have a public with such "high values" that they define themselves by what they consume..not what they know outside of thier emotions. It is a huge consumer emotional jag....complete with entitlements to makeovers. Institutionallized "victimization"
These values are going to be put to the test when gasoline goes to $5.00 per gallon and it is coming soon to a gas station near you . How do you think we are going to do on this test. Koji K????
To show you how thinking works ..or doesnt work...all these whiners ..out here who have institutionalized whining and blaming as a career/job opportunity. What do you think they will do when Gas goes to $5.00 and above...who will they blame pollution on ...SUV's??? How will they justify their whining???? What will they do to justify the next victimization. On what will they blame pollution???? Understand the point..on what new cause will the media...switch to to get ratings????
Watch events and think it through .it will fit.. What emotional string will the media/education and politics put you on next when pollution and SUV's plays out ??

My point Koji K is that values are real and real values are valuable..not a inconvenience ...between consumption levels on the next drivel or emotional jag to come down the pipe and put us on a string.
Real values take learning and commitment to put them to use. Not convenience like the next product to be merchandized to us.
Knowlegable people know the difference in real values and the struggle to learn them ..not push button convenience or politicial jerk off from the right or the left. Especially from the news media.


posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 05:45 AM
This couldn't possibly help there cause, this bills give me the creeps. I don't like conservitive talk radio but I think they should have the right to speak there know Freedom of Speech

This puts ATS in Jeopardy here:

more good news, Even though I don't agree with what these people preach I think they should have the right to preach it. Yet more legislation meaning to curb our Constitutional Rights.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 06:03 PM
I listened to Rush Limbaugh once, when he admitted he was a drug addict. WHo did he blame? Liberals, blacks, and more liberals. Not his fault he did illegal drugs, it's everyone elses. Like how Soccer moms's blame everyone but Jonny when he tortures/kills the neighbor's baby, blame everyone but the one responsible.

Anyways, I don't listen to radio much except for Bob and Tom in the morning, only reason to stay up all night just so I can hear them when ready for bed.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 01:55 PM
I don't know if it's because people are getting sick of these talk shows...or if it's because there's so DARN MANY of them! Let's face it, you coiuldn't swing a dead cat in a ballroom, if you filled it with all of the Political Talk Radio hosts that broadcast on a daily basis. There are two stations here in Sacramento that are firmly Concervative, and one firmly Liberal station that comes in VERY well from Fresno, so I get a full load of "talk" daily.

Yes, Rush is full of himself. Who wouldn't be, assuming they had a national audience and made millions of bucks a year? You think Striesand and her husband Tim, or any of the Baldwins are different? LAMO! You CANNOT stay in "show business" and not have an ego the size of Cleveland.

Well, that's my two cents worth

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