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A plan to get in.

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posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 08:26 PM
I am proposing a feasible, albeit ever so slightly illegal, way of gaining access to Area-51.

This requires a fair bit of money and a hell of a lot of planning.

>The person in question would monitor the weather conditions around the Groom Lake area. If a storm was predicted, meaning there was going to be lots of wind and possibly some rain, they would plan to arrive in a town near Groom Lake about a day or two before the storm hit. The person could stay in Rachel, a town near the Area-51 entry roads, or they could travel only as far as Alamo or Ash Springs. All of these towns provide accommodation, as they cope with a large number of tourists. After finding place to stay, he/she should legally recontire the base out, from such vantage points as Tikaboo Peak, Reveille Peak or the power lines overlook. I would recommend the former as it is much closer to the lake. From there, they should observe the land form and terrain, and possibly even draw a sketch map, rather like sniper spotters, to help them navigate though darkness.
Before the night of the storm, a few hours before night-fall, they will unload their push-bike from their car and start peddling. If they are coming from Rachel, they should travel approx 12-13 miles down Highway 375, or 9 miles past the car park if coming from the east.
It is up to them whether they want to ride on or off road. I do not know how far Area-51’s sensors go out, but since it is illegal for them to be placed on public land, I would not think to far. And riding off road could attract unwanted attention from those GP-11s.
The equipment they should have with them when riding should be:
a) A Spec-Ops T.H.E. backpack. This is an internally supported semi-rigid design, designed for military use but available to civilians. Strong, lightweight, good carrying capacity, not cheap, but comes in camouflage colours. I would recommend desert tan over black. Or you could go for a Crooked Horn Outfitters pack. It is cheaper, but I'm not sure how good it is. But have a look around. There are lots of good quality backpacks designed just for this purpose.
b) A very good pair of shoes. Not with hard soles, you want them as supple as possible. You could even go for booties, shoes surfers wear when it gets a bit to cold for the pansies.
c) Thermal underwear, probably made from thermo-fleece, available from any good clothing or hunting store.
d) Water & food. Most likely, it is going to take longer then one night to get in, snoop around, then get out. If so, high-protein, high-energy bars are what I'd recommend to pack. Take them out of their wrappers first, and store them in a single container. Saves on waste and noise. Water is going to be a precious resource when stuck in the desert, so take as much as you can. 3 litres a day should be enough to sustain you properly, and remember to drink little but regularly. One of those hands free tube thingies would be perfect.
e) Night vision scope/goggles. Important, as they can pick up active infra-red camera beams as well as facilitate seeing in the dark. The goggles are more practical, but cost on average $400-500 more. A scope is much cheaper, but less practical. IR illumination is not necessary.
f) Mine detector. Optional, not recommended, but could be used to detect seismic sensors. It's magnetic field could activate magnetic abnormality detectors, and it is very bulky. I could not find any small handheld mine detecting devices.
g) Black/tan camo face paint sticks. Take a guess. h) Army/marine camouflage suit. Also available from most hunting stores. You'd want to get a good, full body one, that fits just about perfectly. No compromises here. Optionally, you could go and buy a ghillie suit. Not so sure about this, but if chosen correctly, could provide better camouflage. Also, I was reading something about a water-cooled passive IR avoidance suit, which negotiates most emitted body heat. Not sure about this. Actually, not sure if it even exists.
i) Good pair of thin black gloves. Not to thick, so if you want warmth, go for layers. Must be flexible.

Once you pedal to where I recommended, hide the bike, bury it if necessary, and wait for darkness. You don't want to be waiting to long, so time it well. Once it's dark, put on everything you need, presuming you didn't have it on when you left and rode down the street, and start moving.
The land around the Groom lake area is dry tundra, sandy and such. With a good pair of shoes/booties you should be able to move totally silently. Now we start worrying about sensors. Sensors are generally stand-alone electrical devices that report back though radio link or ground line to a CPU. Nowadays, they can detect just about anything. The sensors you should expect to encounter when sneaking around are magnetic, radar, thermal, acoustic, motion, photoelectric, chemical (smell), electric, electromagnetic, seismic, ultrasonic, microwave, optical, and tripwires. Now since you choose to go on a windy night, a lot of those sensors will be registering false alarms, and will most likely be shutdown, or their alerts ignored. But ones such as seismic and thermal are still going to be buggers. It's a pity the wind drives away wild animals, eh? Anyway, once again I say I have no idea how far Detachment 3's sensors extend beyond the perimeter, so you are going to have to be careful as soon as you get westwards of hwy 375.
Seismic sensors are buried in the ground, are just about undetectable without mine sensing devices, and are very, very sensitive, although the wind won't affect them to much. One site I went to recommended stepping once every minute so that the computer cannot isolate and identify your footfall for what it is. But this approach is impractical, as you have a lot of distance to cover. You can beat the sensors by masking your footfalls, rather like how they did it in the first book of the Dune series to beat the sandworms, or whatever. Instead of regular stepping, once foot after the other about a half second apart, you can drag your feet, step irregularly, or crawl or roll if you knew there was a sensor near you. And although it won't affect it to much, the blowing sand will help with this. And since they are so incredibly sensitive, they commonly make mistakes, with animals stepping directly on them. Eventually, the guards would have learnt to ignore a seismic sensor alert, unless another sensor lit up in the area. And since sensors are going off all over the place because of the wind, you have a bit of leeway here. And, as with most of the other sensors that are deployed around the base, seismic sensors have a distinct limitation. They rely on the fact that you have no idea that they're there. Of course you're going to walk normally if you don't know better, and of course you're going to walk straight though a microwave beam if you don't know it's there. That's why you can beat Det. 3's electronic detection systems.
Acoustic sensors count for nil in high-wind conditions, and you're quiet anyway.
Electric field sensors will get totally screwed over by the wind, what with all the sand and loose plants and rubbish. Don't worry about them.
Chemical detectors, if they are sensitive enough to pick up BO and carbon dioxide, are surely going to get confused by all the gases that come along with the wind, so you can ignore them too (well, don't breath to heavily if you can help it).
Ultrasonic sensors are not fooled by flying particles or most solids that are moved by wind. But with commercially available products, such as the Sonic 3000, you can detect ultrasonic emitters, and even pinpoint them. But this handheld unit costs upwards of $2, 000, a complete rip-off. Although it appears to be accurate, able to pick up a wide range of sounds above 20 kilohertz, and highly portable. The headphones can be modified so that only one speaker works. With the other, I'm sure you could rig up some sort of radio to feed into it, a radio that is tuned into the main security frequency of Groom Lake, maybe . . .
Once you detect an ultrasonic emitter, if you're not already on the ground, get on it, and crawl towards the source. Get lower and slower as you get closer. The emitter will not be located right on the ground as it would get far too many false readings off animals. Once you manage to find out which way the sensor is pointing, just don't head in that direction. But don't think that once you've found one that there are no more in the area. Carefully scan around for about a half minute before moving on. If you detect another one, do the same thing.
If you wish to, you can make a map of sensors that you have found, so as to make navigation easier when you want to get out.
Magnetic sensors are not affected by the elements (I just managed to confuse myself there), but can detect metal. They are designed to locate, identify and track vehicles and armed people. Since you are not armed, and have a minimal amount of metal on you, you should be immune to these. But if you know where one it, please refrain from going near it.
Microwave systems are simply two posts that can be up to 457 meters (1, 500 feet) apart, and that use the simple law of that if a decrease in energy is detected by the receiver, something must be blocking the beam. It also uses the Doppler effect to be more accurate. The beam originates from a post about 1.5 meters high and 15 cm wide. It then spreads out to cover a 40 foot swath of land, then some how a single post exactly like the transmitter manages to collect all the microwave energy and analyze it. They are not affected by dust, wind or flying debris, but you do not want to stroll between the posts. If you must cross, you can walk ever so slowly for 40 feet, or you can get down and crawl. It's up to you. To detect a microwave system, I managed to find an anti-bug sensor that works just fine. It's called the MD-12 Microwave Detector, and is small, portable, comes in black, very sensitive, and costs about $160. With it you can hone in on the emitter, or just detect a beam. Also, there is something called a
TriField Meter that is able to pick just about all electromagnetic pollution. Just look around. This seems to be a good site: alteredstates
Anti-personnel radars could pose a pretty big threat, but these devices can also detect radar waves, which are essentially radio waves. Now since radar can provide an accurate picture of what it's looking at, the transceivers could quite possibly be located on or near the ground. If you pick up a faint radar signal, try to avoid that area. Don't worry if the radar has spotted you, because you can detect radar waves more than twice as far away from the transmitter than the distance it needs to be so that it can to detect you.
Motion detectors should not trouble you, as they will be constantly getting set off by the wind all night, and will most likely be shut off. Optical cameras will not work at night, and your night vision scope/goggles will be able to detect any cameras emitting IR beams. But remember, these IR cameras can see for to 1.5 kilometres, so don't underestimate them.
Photoelectric beams, the ones that shops have that beep when you walk though them, use infra-red beams, which once again can be seen in night vision. Just step over them. Or around. Or under. If you encounter a stack of IR beams on top of each other, see if you can walk around the transmitters or receivers. Remember, these systems are designed to detect people who are not aware of them. If there is no way around, the wind can be working to your advantage again. If you can see debris flying though the beams, and blocking them, you may be able to jump, roll or dive though the beams, after placing all equipment on the other side, needless to say. If you re fast enough you will be mistaken for windblown junk. If the area you are in does not have any flying rubbish, don't go though the beams. The security forces probably know where the beams are located, and therefore know that no wind can get to them, so it is going to look mighty suspicious if suddenly a mass goes though them, then other sensors in the area get activated, which would normally just be mistook for mistakes . . . and so on and so on. Just keep going until you find a break in the invisible fence, or dig under it. This can be a bit weird, digging a hole under nothing, then crawling though it, but don't make any mistakes.
Tripwires are probably the most threatening thing you will come across. They are neigh impossible to see, are not activated by flying crap, and animals are generally to smart to snap them, so its going to be pretty obvious that someone’s there if you go around stepping on wires. You can avoid them by very careful scrutiny of the ground ahead of you, or by carrying a long thin stick just above the ground in front of you. If you feel it press against something, look very closely. Tripwires will usually be placed under such obstacles as microwave beams and a cameras field-of-view.
Electromagnetic sensors can detect electrical devices. The sensitivity depends on the environment they are placed in, and the ambient magnetics of the geological surroundings. I could not find anything on the local metal content of the soil around Groom Lake, so we’re going to have to presume that those sensors are at peak capability. Obviously, your night vision scope/goggles, electromagnetic detector/s, and whatever else you are carrying that uses electricity is going to alert the sensors. But you can shield the fields from the sensors. Industrial companies developed this technique to protect people and equipment. All you need to do is to complete the electromagnetic circuit around the electrical device. Normally, the field extends a fair distance from the object before returning, and is thereby able to be detected. What you need to stop this is called a Faraday Cage, and is seen around microwave ovens, for example, where the metal outer casing and the mesh in the window stops escaping radiation. These cages stops the electrical field from escaping if built properly. You need to cover the electrical device in a layer of conductive material supplemental to the one already in place. Obviously this can be a bit of a hassle, with dials that need twisting and lenses that need to see, but holes can exist in the cage, although the decrease the effectiveness. With the goggles, constructing one of these cages is a bit of a hassle. How you do it really depends on the design you buy. Your best to slice the material into little pieces a few centimetres across, then weld them together to get a good design, and somehow hinge it so that you can access the dials as required, after turning the unit off of course. I'm by no means an expert welder, so there could be a much better way.
All this can get a bit cumbersome, having to carry a stick, listening to both the Sonic 3000 and the MD-12, and possibly even the radio, while drinking, watching for cameras and IR beams, and looking and listening for people as well.
And if you just happen to see a guard patrolling (you won't, as it's windy and cold), but if you do, don't think you've hit the jackpot. Although he has probably alerted the central guard centre of where he is and what he's doing, it is going to be mighty suspicious if a shadow is seen following him though every sensor that he goes near. And he will be equipped with NVGs, so he will quickly spot you anyway if you try.
Which brings me to this. If you break an IR beam for longer than a few seconds, or break a few at once, walk though a microwave field without realizing it, stand up in front of a radar without realizing it, snap a tripwire, walk in front of a camera, breath down a chemical sensor (???), wave your keys in front of a magnetic detector (?????), hear "alert alert! Intruder!" over the radio, or otherwise do something either accidental or stupid, don't hang around. Run. If those guys catch you, you are in big trouble. Don't try and lay low, as they will have all available guards scouring the area where the sensor detected you. Just keep going until you reach the boundry, then find your bike, then ride back to the motel and curl up in bed, and hope that some FLIR equipped Blackhawk didn't follow you.
Now, we were just crossing over the highway, weren’t we? Thankfully there is no fence that marks the boundary of Det. 3, so you cannot be detected climbing the fence by vibration sensors. But be aware that the security forces have placed the highest concentration of sensors just on the other side of the perimeter, which is marked by orange posts about 45 metres apart.
Now, I've heard that things such as proximity fused claymores are scattered around the land near Groom Lake. I do not think it would be possible to place a large number of these mines on the land surrounding A-51, once again, thanks to animals and weather conditions. Sure, some LURP patrol can deploy a few when setting down for the night, but over a period of a few months even if there is no rain the weather conditions are bound to rust or damage some components, thereby increasing the risk of a misfire. And I do not believe that the people that run Area-51 would want a death on their hands. Even around the buildings there is too much of a chance of a lost worker stumbling off the path and getting riddled with BBs.
If you manage to get past all sensors without causing angry people to come running after you, you've done a good job. But to avoid all of them can take a long, long time. Chances are that you'll be spending the day, hunkered down, while it's windy and hot. But you don't need survival tips for this. Actualy, you're best to try and get some sleep, for the night ahead.
Once you get near the buildings, you can move a far bit more freely. You may even wish to dump everything you're carrying and hide it somewhere. But be aware that there is increased camera survellance near the buildigns, and the chances of being found by somebody are much higher. It's up to you what you want to do. Engrave your name in a bit of concrete then skidadle, or infiltrate the supposed undergrond facilites though secondary airshafts, timing your movements with guard patrol times, ducking into shadows, creeping up behind people, grabbing them - interrogating them . . . or maybe I've just been playing a little to much Splinter Cell.
Once you get in, you will want to get out. You don't have to be as careful here, as you can bolt if something happens, but I advise you to be as careful as possible, because if you want to get back in sometime, you don't want to have the guards update the security. Take the exact same route, as you know it, and where the sensors are. If you drew a map with locations of sensors on it, here's where it will come in handy.
So, if you want to get into A-51, here is an option. But be warned; I do not advise you to try to inflitrate the base. The risk of getting caught is much to high. But if you're stupid enough to try, remember, DO NOT CARRY A WEAPON, OR ANYTHING THAT COULD BE INTERPRETED AS A THREAT TO PEOPLE. This includes fists. Do not fight back under any circumstances. The security is authorized to kill. Do not provoke them.

Of course, there are other ways of getting in. I particularly liked one suggestion of gathering a large group of people, 500 or so, with live-feed news cameras, and marching straight at Area-51s gate.
There are excellent links to building guides and photographs on, like such shots of locations of lights and surrounding terrain.
But why’d you’d want to get in there, I don’t know. It seems pretty boring to me.


posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Interesting post! Loved the research and the detail.

But why so much trouble? Dress up as an alien and say, "Take me to your leader......"

Might work, no?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 09:53 PM
Good research. but isnt it a bit dfangerous? youd Probably jsut toally disappear if you were caught. They dont want to public knowing all about teh crazy and secret stuff their doing in there.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 12:01 AM
I doubt you would just 'disappear' if you were caught. Private security guards patrol Area 51, not military ones.
And I would not be surprised to find that Area 51 is just some decoy base, and that some shady govournment types are jsut sitting back in their seats and laughing that an entire forum is devoted to it. Sure, maybe it used to house secret projects and the like, but not anymore.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 12:22 AM
I like the idea, just for bragging rights and cool pictures. But I dont understand how it would take you days to get in, but you could just run back out (outrunning the patrols) anytime?

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 01:06 AM
Not days. Nights. And it'd only take two in the worst case. And the objective of getting into the base is getting into the base, and you are not going to acomplish this if you are caught on your way in. But on your way out, after you've taken pictures or whatever, it really doesn't matter if your spotted if you never plan to return, as you can outrun the guards. But running at any time is a last resort. Go quietly at all times if possible.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 01:57 AM
Oh, I see. But thats still quite a long distance to run, and they'd have Humvees on your butt by the second step. They dont know if you're from China or what, and Im sure they will assume you're armed. The only purpose I see fleeing serving is getting you shot. I say if you're discovered, entering or leaving, game over (but I didnt research this like you did).

Also, with a good 75% of their detection capabilities reduced by the weather, I imagine they'd be stepping it up some other way. Im not so sure they dont play in the rain, and I wonder if this strategy wouldn't backfire, replacing stupid machines with smart people.

Great post, I love this ninja stuff

[edit]: I cant say the A-double-snakes word?

[edit on 19-8-2005 by jacquio999]

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 05:03 AM
The restricted area around Det. 3 covers 1, 489 square kilometres. Once the sensors start getting knocked out, I'm sure that the CC will start beefing up ground patrols, but only in certain localized areas, such as around gates and buildings. Not in the middle of nowhere, at a spot no one has stepped foot in in years (as far as they know). There are no airborne monitoring platforms as far as have been reported, and I know that some people spend 100 days a year sitting in front of the main gate.
And I'm sure they would put a hummer on your arse straight away, so running when you're standing on the tarmac is a stupid and pointless idea. I should have stated that. Your best option is stealth, both in and out. But if things are desperate, running when you're close to the perimeter would work.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 07:59 AM
Does anyone think that the British SAS or any other special forces could get into Area 51?

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 09:32 AM
How many different threads do we need about getting into Area 51????

Please look for similar topics before starting a new one about the same thing.


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