Found this today. Just wanted to share with you some good recordings.They all sound Very convincing. Plus you get a (not very good video of the Patty
Film) to watch and make your own judgements. Hope you enjoy.
# 1 & 4 are definitely mtn lion or some sort of feline. #2 sounds like coyote.
Not sure of #3. It is vaguely feline, but cannot be sure. My wife thinks it is an elk bugle distorted by atmospherics, but I am unconvinced.
I have never heard one in person. It was just that these sounded very similar to the many others I have heard on the web. That is what I was looking
for other opinions on these. Thanks for your reply. Is there an eye wittness to one of these creatures that would give their take on this.
I agree with Dave_54 on #2 I've heard coyotes sound like that at night.I have heard one like #1 but I do not agree that it is a mountain lion,we
don't have any in Maine.I have heard that sound in areas that have reported Bigfoot activity.Namely western areas,in the mountains and what we call
the Oxford Highlands.