posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 02:07 AM
wow....I must have rattled some cages, thomas crowne!....hint well taken..
As far as Bosnia, is concerned, Im pretty indifferent. The point of me posting it was pointing out that republicans screamed and cried the same way
over that, as the Dems are now, yet noone villified them.
Thomas Crowne-- I think your reaching a bit there. Perhaps the presence is there to ensure the citizens safety, not a NWO police station.
1) Nothing has been "won", we have only delayed a civil war. We are still there as a fighting force, not as negotiators, advisors, or rebuilders.
or is it "peacekeepers"
2) It was/is a civil war, based soley on religious factions vieing for dominance and destruction of the other, better known as genocide.
So is Iraq...point?
3) There was no national threat to us, nor any international threat, it was/is a civil war.
Neither was Iraq. Sounds like the only difference is that Iraq wasnt in state of civil war.
4) Clinton needed a cover story to hide his lies...Bosnia became that.
yes...all his lies...if the man was SUCH a criminal, he'd be locked up by now. But since the only thing he was convicted of was lying about a bj, hes
a free man. He didnt start a war to cover up Monica. You need to turn Rush off once in a while
6) None of the comments have any relevance to the situation in Iraq, which was not in a civil war, but a threat to it's neighbors and international
Exactly how was Iraq a threat to anyone? They were incapictated, with embargos set on them. Wheres the stock piles of WMDs. This war wasnt started to
bring democracy to Iraq. It was started because Colin Powell held a little vial of anthrax up for the world to see. It was sold on lies.
I wish the republicans would just admit it. I understand that Saddam was an ahole and the world is a better place without him, but Iraq isnt. Saddam
probably understood what kind of animals he was dealing with alot more than the average "joe six pack" does.
The point of thread was to point out the hypocrisy of the right. All the antiamerican comments made to anyone who doesnt support Bush. Maybe I was the
only one who watched TV before the thing started, because I remember all the reasons. And never was "bringing liberty and democracy to iraq"