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Seriously. How will "You" recognize Jesus?

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posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 04:52 PM

God in all his glory and power created perfection in everything he made, but why (and he's all knowing all the time) would he create human beings with imperfections?

God did not create us with imperfections. He created us perfect and without sin but he also gave us free will. He gave great liberty to Adam and Eve and put the entire earth under their authority. They walked with God in the coolness of the day and communicated with him face to face. They saw and felt God’s goodness and were loved by him.

In all of this wonderful freedom God only gave them one rule, just one.

Genesis 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

You know the rest of the story.

And then on top of it, write a bible or speak through people who wrote the bible about future events in a timeline like fashion, knowing all this is too happen and then wage war against unholy people and ungodly people? He knew all this was too happen, he created it himself... Why on earth would someone do something like this? Not saying I don't believe, I do, but why?

God’s design from the very beginning was to create a people in his own image and to love them and be loved by them. To care for them and in return they would serve him freely without reservation. By our very design we were made for his pleasure.

God could have created us as mindless automatons but what true fellowship can occur under that concept? He wanted a people that would experience him and from that experience desire of their own free will to know him and serve him and love him. You must be free to reject God if God is to ever have any real fellowship with you.

You point out that many will reject God and be judged accordingly. But in God’s eyes it was well worth the final result. In the end he will pull a remnant of people from every tribe, tongue and nation who will love and serve him in eternity. God has made some extreme promises to those who love him and this scripture gives us an idea of just how awesome his blessings will be.

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

I don’t know about you but I can imagine some pretty far out things that I would love to be able to do and see. God says that no one can conceive of the things he has prepared for those that love him! That is awesome beyond words!

Ps: I'm not sure if i'm doomed to hell or being 'removed' as i've made many bad choices, which included lying on a large scale, stealing, and cheating I believe.. Not sure if i've done that lately though.. The biggest one is lying.

The fact that you even acknowledge your sins is a gift from God. Many people don’t even believe that sin exists. Go to a friend and ask him or her if she believes himself/herself to be a good person. The almost universal answer is yes. We judge ourselves by our own standards but God tells us that his standard is perfection. We reject that truth because, in the words of Jack Nicholson, “you can’t handle the truth!”

I talk to god/jesus almost every night when i'm in bed to let him know I am sorry and to help me figure out my path with his help ect... I do have a feeling that the end is coming I can feel it in my heart, and it's all bittersweet because I don't know if i'm screwed or not.. And I don't like that feeling of not knowing..

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and repented of your sin you are saved. All the doubts you are expressing to me here are common among Christians new to the faith or ignorant of the full gospel. You want to be right with God but you lack knowledge to understand how that is done.

TrueLies, there are no magic words that one speaks in prayer to be washed clean of their sin. You simply humble yourself before God, acknowledge your sin, agree to turn from it, and ask Jesus Christ into your heart for salvation.

Cry out to God and he will hear you. If you do this you have nothing to fear from God because you have, at that moment, gone from being an enemy of God to being a child of God. After that find yourself a King James Bible and read his word. As you grow in your Christian walk you will find your desires changing. The foul music that you use to enjoy begins to agitate you as in your new spirit you see it for what it is.

Your old self begins to give way to the new spirit of God that lives within you and changes your thoughts and motives. If you have taken this first step towards God and would like to know more about how you can grow closer to God send me a private message and I’ll be glad to speak with you.

I too was raised roman catholic... Hated going to church, and I screamed like a banshee when I was baptised (glad I was though now) and did like my mom pretending to be self righteous when she was far from it and took us to church like that was her house but came home and startedback to her royal bitchiness again...

But you see it for what it is you recognize the hypocrisy and powerlessness of her faith. You’ve seen how not to walk with God. Take that experience and build a right relationship with God that is free from hypocrisy. A true Christian who has been born-again is free to live a life pleasing to God, without fear and filled to overflow with joy.

I don't know what the true meaning of beinga christian is, there is so many religions that branched off from catholicism and christianity it's hard to tell... methodists, orthodox, anglican, adventists, ect...boggles my mind so i just have conversations with the man upstairs in the comfort of my bed.

Not a bad start TrueLies, not a bad start at all. Christianity is not a label, it’s a relationship. In its purest form you will not allow any institution to outweigh your relationship with God. It’s important to fellowship with other Christians in church but the church itself is only a building.

I attend a church that follows the Holy Bible and has sound doctrine. As much as I love my fellow church members I would never allow them or the Pastor to bring me into error concerning the basic tenants of the faith. If I had to stand alone I would. Fortunately for me the church I attend is on fire for God and well grounded in truth.

Keep talking with God at night TrueLies and when you get a chance purchase a good King James Bible. Read his Word and grow in your faith and knowledge of God. Many thousands of saints were slaughtered in the last two thousand years so that you and I could read God’s Word in the English language. I promise you it will change your life.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 05:21 PM

It’s easy for us to see the good we think we do but so hard for us to come to terms with the sins we have committed and continue to commit. You say that you are trying to live a good life but God says two things to you. First, it’s impossible for you to live a life pleasing to God under your own power. No matter how hard you try even the things you think are good are not in God’s eyes because you have done them without having the right frame of heart.

Second, by your own admission you have sinned against God. Take a moment and walk away from yourself. We as humans often make the mistake of measuring our sins with human made standards. We say to ourselves, stealing a nickel is not as bad as stealing a car, and stealing a car is not as bad as murder. We categorize our sins and say to ourselves, “Well, I’ve done some bad things but I’m not nearly as bad as that other guy.”

We rationalize away the true depth of our sin and convince ourselves that when all is said and done we are basically good. God says we are born in sin and full of wickedness. You mentioned that you try to do good and love people but you forgot to mention how you plan to pay for the sins that you have collected along the way.

You have a debt to pay and the time will soon come when you will be forced to reconcile that debt. Jesus Christ shed his blood and made a way for you to be reconciled but you continue to reject him. God cannot tolerate you in his presence as you currently stand. God is Holy and pure, no sin is found in him.

If you were to die today and be thrust into the presence of the Holy and Living God you would instantly be made into dust and your soul cast into Hell. Look at it this way. God has built within his very nature a shield of ultimate sin destruction. It’s not something that he can turn off or on it is in his very nature. It radiates outward from him into eternity and utterly destroys sin as it crosses paths with it.

Now in you come. A sin filled man thrust into God’s Holy presence, you’re toast dude. There’s no way for you to survive.

Be good to yourself sometime in the near future and take the free gift that Jesus Christ is offering you. Turn away from all that bogus philosophical double talk and turn instead to the Living God.

Think about this and I’ll close. Right now as you and I converse on this forum millions of souls are crying out in Hell. They have been fully aware for some time how wretched and lost is their state of affairs. Many of them are crying out to God right now but God will not hear them. They are lost forever.

My question to you is this. What do you think any one of them would give to have one instant of life left in their rotting bones to repent of their sins and be made right with God?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 05:36 PM
It could be pretty hard to reconize him

He could be........

The woman with the kids and the broke down car you passed on the way to a party


the hungry bum you pass in the street everyday without a second look


The gay guy you beat up because he looked at you "that way"


the dog you dumped on the side of the highway because you didnt want to feed him anymore


the woman who you watched get beat up by her drunken husband because you didnt want to get involved


I think you get the Idea

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Serum39

How will you recognize Jesus?

I think it's pretty much the same as for any case of recognition.

We recognize others whom we are acquainted with--in varying degrees from the person we pass by every morning at 8:17 on our way to work to the person whom we share all our waking moments possible (usually sweetheart/best friend--if you're lucky) as well as those who've given birth to us and those we've given birth to.

Sometimes we know a person so well, that even blindfolded in silence, we could discern their hand out of a line-up of a hundred. Some of us have grown close to others before ever setting eyes on each other--and yet there is that unmistakable spark of definite recognition the first moment physical eye contact is made.

So I daresay that the same is true even in the case of Jesus Christ. Unless one knows Him, He might just be 'as a thief in the night.' And if He is known to a soul, then no imposter could befuddle the certainty that soul would feel in His presence, no matter how He arrived, and in what form.

With that in mind, what are the odds that perhaps that long awaited time has already arrived--with one or two here and there aware of it--and the rest of the world still watching the skies over the mount of Olives--or worse yet--scanning the political horizon for 'the dreaded antichrist?'


posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
It could be pretty hard to reconize him

He could be........

The woman with the kids and the broke down car you passed on the way to a party


the hungry bum you pass in the street everyday without a second look


The gay guy you beat up because he looked at you "that way"


the dog you dumped on the side of the highway because you didnt want to feed him anymore


the woman who you watched get beat up by her drunken husband because you didnt want to get involved


I think you get the Idea
Oh so true and well said.

Hopefully heard, too.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Some say he walks among us now. I am not sure we will know what he looks like but when he wants to be known, I am quite sure he will let us know and it will be pretty obvious. I am sure Jesus knows how to make an entrance.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:35 PM

God in all his glory and power created perfection in everything he made, but why (and he's all knowing all the time) would he create human beings with imperfections?

If I may answer this.

God DID NOT create human beings with imperfections.
"Let Us make man in Our own image, after Our own likeness" (Gen 1:26).

So after man was created in the Image of God ''after OUR own likeness''....meaning in the image of the SON OF GOD....who is Jesus Christ ....the Saviour and the Annointed one whom all prophets awaited .
God intended the first people to hold His ONE commandement of not EAT!

God commanded man: "of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Gen 2:16-17)

Since man did not do as God asked and failed.....they broke that one commandement and were no longer allowed to be part of the First paradise(church).....but God loved man and told them that one day He will send a Saviour into the world.......God TOOK FLESH AND BECAME MAN in order for man to be redeemed.......God became MAN because it was MAN that brought SIN(meaning to miss the mark)into the world.......God made man with free will and not a robot!
"For dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return" (Gen. 3:19), it was said to the first man after his fall into sin.

God talks to Adam and Eve and awaits their confession........but both point to the other and do not confess to their wrong doing......

To the Devil, who concealed himself in the serpent, and was most responsible for man’s sin, He said, "Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou..." and He said that between him and man there would be a struggle, in which men will be the victors, specifically: "The seed of the woman shall crush thy head, and thou shalt strike at his heel" (Cf. Gen 3:15), that is, from woman there will come forth an offspring — the Saviour of the world, Who will be born of a virgin, will conquer the Devil and save man, but for this, He Himself must suffer.

6. The Results of the Fall into Sin

DEATH was the result of transgression of the not eat.
Death ......the body getting old and dying......but also Spritual death away from now has the inclination to sin .....FREE WILL to follow in good or bad .

And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that is, imagined a certain special, extraordinarily pleasant taste in the forbidden fruit — this is lust of the flesh. And that it was pleasing to the eye, that is, it seemed to the woman to be more beautiful than all the other fruit — this is lust of the eyes, or the passion to acquire. It was desirable because it grants knowledge. The woman wanted to know the loftier, divine knowledge which the tempter offered her — this is the pride of life or the love of glory.

more here

Almighty God, without a doubt, could have prevented the fall of the first people, but He did not wish to stifle their freedom, because it is not in His nature to distort His own image in man. The image and likeness of God is expressed in the free will of man........Consequently, the first people could not return themselves to the lost Paradise, not because God did not wish it, but because their own moral condition did not permit and could not permit this.

Why Did the Lord God Permit the First Man to Fall into Sin?

As for ''How will ''YOU '' recognize Jesus?

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God … And now you know what is restraining (Divine Grace and Providence), which does not allow his appearance. that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thes. 2:3-11).

The antichrist

First the Antichrist......and many others claiming to be God.


posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 11:47 AM

Only your bottom link works, the rest are broken...

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 08:38 PM
Thanks Truelies......Not sure why they're not working.

try here
There's a list of Subjects in that link......

hope that works.


posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 08:56 PM
If I saw a man walking around the streets claiming to be Jesus, I wouldn't think twice of it except to call him a crazy. They will turn him into the athorities and pump him full of Thorazine. If he was really Jesus he would turn the thorazine into prozac. I herd that joke somewhere a while back.

I don't believe he is coming back, we will see him again once we die, that's sort of like returning.

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 02:15 AM

Thanks for inviting me to your thread, and for even including a link in your thread to one of my posts; I don't know yet if I should feel privileged, or if you plan on pouncing on me later

Sorry for the delay in joining. I would have done it sooner, but I had a problem with either my cookies, or my email. I would try the "forgot my password link", but each time that it said the new password was sent to my email address, I would get nothing.

Ok, on to the meat

The sad fact is that most people will not recognize who it is that will appear over the skies of Jerusalem. In a world that never entertained the idea of ETs for 1000's of years, we've been conditioned in the last 100 years to believe that ET's are little green men. Worse, in the last 20 years, hollywood has turned these little green men into invaders, whereas, 100 years ago, they would say, "we come in peace", today they say, "NO PEACE. DIE." Gone are the ideas of "humanoid like, civil, intelligent beings"; they've been replaced with ugly creatures that have malevolent agendas. Why has this happened? Because it makes better movies, and more money? Hogwash! That's like saying that Chris Rock is funnier than Will Smith because he uses foul language. There's a very different reason why the "tone" of an "Alien" visit has changed, and I'll get into it. But first, something VERY RELATED to this "alien" business ...

Here's a revealing excercise:
1. using google, perform a search using the words "demon" and "antichrist"
2. record the number of hits
3. add to the search parameters the word "alien"
4. record the new number of hits
5. repeat steps 1 thru 4, adding an "s" to "demon" and "alien".

Results, between 25 and 37 percent of sites that mention "demon(s)" and "antichrist", ALSO mention "alien(s)". So what's that all about? Simple, just as the non-religious have been conditioned to fear an "alien invasion", so too, the religious have been conditioned to fear a "demonic invasion" (demons in the guise of aliens). Both of these are called TRENDS. Both TRENDS are quite new! By the way, for you bible believers, the FACT IS, THERE EXISTS NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE PROPHECY THAT SAYS DEMONS WILL COME FROM THE SKY!!! It is AN ABSOLUTE DEMONIC LIE that any antichrist, demon, or devil, will perform WONDERS IN THE HEAVENS. There is NO VERSE that says such a thing. Rev 13:13 only says that "the beast" makes fire come down from heaven. That is a FAR FAR cry from saying demons will come in UFO's. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, the USA called down fire from the sky in 1945. And that is a MUCH MUCH closer interpretation than saying "Fire coming down from heaven is UFO's filled with demons". Neither is Paul's reference to "the prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2:2 a prophecy.

So, why do I even bring up all this "UFO/Alien" stuff anyway? Simple really, the BIBLE brings it up. You don't agree, what then were these chariots of fire that were with Elisha - 2 Kings 6:17 "And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." Why was it necessary for one of these Chariots of Fire to "push" Elisha away from Elijah? - 2 Kings 2:11 "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." Looks to me as if, in order for the "whirlwind" to "pick up" Elijah, there needed to be a certain "clearing" of physical space, otherwise, Elisha would have been "picked up" right along with Elijah. And how about all the references to "clouds of smoke" and "pillars of fire", what need of these physical things does the "invisible" spirit have? Serum39, pardon this small interruption into your thread, but I must say this to 2 billion christians:

If you so desire, ignore everything I have ever said, and will ever say, with the exception of this one comment: THE EVENT IN WHICH ANYTHING AT ALL IS PROPHECIED TO COME DOWN FROM THE SKY, IS EXCLUSIVELY RESERVED FOR THE SECOND COMING OF THE MESSIAH!!! You will NOT find a comma, a period, or a semicolon, that even REMOTELY suggests the antichrist will be setup by the coming of demons from the sky. Prove me wrong, and whatever is mine, will quickly become yours!

Now, back to the subject. When the Messiah comes, first and foremost, He will be coming from OUTER SPACE. Second, He will not be coming alone. I have no clue how many will be with Him, nor do I know if they will be "traveling" in "chariots of fire". I only know that He will descend upon the city of Jerusalem, while at the same time, those that come down from the sky with Him, will be PHYSICALLY descending upon the cities of the world, walking the streets, gathering select persons, and telling them, "come with us". The entire world will "stand still" as they observe these "beings" descend from the heavens. People will NOT disappear into thin air like the cartoon scenario suggested by the "Left Behind" books. It didn't happen with Noah, Lot, Elijah, Moses, or EVEN the Messiah Himself!!!

Now, all of the above is the simple answer to the thread subject. But I would like to give my 2 cents on other things that were said. First and foremost, if you are not yourself a parent, much of what I'm about to say will be lost on you. Here are some simple, undeniable, FACTS, 1. Only a killer, can understand what it feels like to have taken a life, 2. Only an individual that has experienced weightlessness, can understand what that feels like, and 3. Only a parent, can understand parenthood. GOD, before ANYTHING ELSE, is a FATHER!!! He is NOT some Zeus-like figure, toying with mankind for sick pleasures. I could never TRULY understand God, until I myself became a father. I almost feel pitty for non-parents, because I honestly have no clue what to tell you. Just as an astronaut cannot convey to you what it feels like to be weightless, so too, no words of mine can properly convey to you what it is to be a father, and if I am at a loss of words for that, than truly, I cannot describe to you just WHAT YOU MEAN TO YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. In FACT, you only THINK you know how much your very own parents love you. Ask ANY LOVING PARENT, and they'll tell you with their own lips, "I did not truly know how much my parents loved me, UNTIL AFER I myself became a parent."

Well, ok, I'm going to go ahead and try the impossible
I'll try my best to reveal WHAT God is? WHO you are? And WHY, the Messiah was crucified:

First, God is exactly what everybody knows Him to be, the ONE BEING that has always existed, and who has never been created. He therefore has NO GOD above Him, nor any CREATOR to "respect". There existed a time when He was ALL ALONE! When He said, in the book of Genesis, "It is not good that the man should be alone", He could have only expressed such a thought because it came from HIS OWN EXPERIENCE.

At some point, God "brought forth" His FIRSTBORN SON. I have NO CLUE HOW, or WHEN, but I only know that this was the very FIRST ACT of creation. I also have NO CLUE how long the young "known world" existed with just them two, may have been eons, or it may have been microseconds. Eventually, the FATHER AND FIRSTBORN SON, created EVERYTHING ELSE. I would guess the first sentient beings were the "angels of Heaven" (perhaps all that that phrase even means is simply beings from planets other than the third one from the sun)

All sentient beings, be they "angels of heaven", or man on earth, were created with freedom of will. So technically, the Supreme Father of ALL, did not directly create "good" or "evil", rather, everything has the freedom to choose to either respect or disrespect the FIRST FATHER. So, what happened in the Garden of Eden?

First, in my humble opinion, the story of the Garden is much closer to being a PARABLE, than it is an historical event. That said, the Fall of Adam, did something TO ADAM. The very best analogy I can think of is CANCER:
1. A cell becomes cancerous (ie, a skin cell)
2. it's nucleus becomes damaged
3. not knowing it's function in the body, it replicates itself
4. the many damaged cells become a tumor
5. if the tumor is not removed, the body WILL DIE!!!

When Adam and Eve disobeyed the Father, THEY GOT A TASTE OF WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO DISOBEY THE FATHER. This Taste, "POISONED" them, effectively, making them Cells with damaged nuclei. Their children have the same damaged nuclei. If at some point in creation, the tumor is not removed, God's creation, the entire system, WILL PERISH. Immagine for a moment, that man would continue to breed, unhecked, until his numbers swelled such that he was on every planet of every galaxy. If today we can destory all life on earth by our weapons, surely, the time WILL COME, that man, on every planet, everywhere, will have devised the weaponry to destory, CREATION. If you believe for even a moment that man would eventually evolve into "better behaved" beings, than truly, the history books you have read were written in invisble ink, and it is impossible to describe just how blind you really are. And as for creating such powerful weapons that may some day destroy entire galaxies, remember this, we, being the children of God, ARE GODS OURSELVES!!! The bible plainly records that man has such unbounded abilities, saying, in the book of Genesis, "if WE don't go down (and stop their current work), then ANYTHING THEY IMMAGINE, THEY WILL DO."

Now, SPEAKING AS A PARENT. If one of my children proves to be a truly rotten child, it is MY DUTY to protect my other child from this rotten one. If I DID NOTHING, the day may come when the rotten child will steal from his own brother. He will steal his inheritance, his wife, and anything else that he can get his hands on, because in the end, he has neither respect, nor love, for his brother. God has declared, being FATHER of all creation, that the rotten WILL NOT for all time walk over their better behaved siblings. It would be UNJUST for any father anywhere to allow such a thing.

Getting back to the analogy of Mankind being a CANCER in the Father and Son's creation. The Father, in HIS WISDOM, knew of only ONE WAY in which to CURE the cancer (the only other choice was to REMOVE the cancer). What was this cure? Well, if the damage was "choosing to be disobedient", then the FIX is that each damaged cell must CHOOSE to BE OBEDIENT, hence, each person, of their OWN FREE WILL, must desire to become FIXED! What would cause anyone to make this choice? Why would any child CHOOSE to become subjigated to his parents. The answer, PURE UNADULTERATED UNBOUNDED LOVE. Toddlers may obey their parents out of fear, but teenagers, and adults, obey out of LOVE AND RESPECT. So, how could the Father PROVE to a man that what He FEELS for His children is PURE UNADULTERATED UNBOUNDED LOVE? Risking EVERYTHING!!!

Ok, HERE, is what it ALL BOILS DOWN TO !!! Remember that the Father was at one point, ALL ALONE!!! Remember that His Firstborn Son, also had FREE WILL. The bible RECORDS that the Messiah Himself, for a moment, entertained the thought of going against His Father's commandment. YES, THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE, like it or not for you christians, Yeshuah, with His own lips asked His Father to come up with another plan. He was, for a MOMENT, NOT WANTING TO GO THROUGH with HIS FATHER'S COMMANDMENT. - Mark 14:36, "And he said, Abba, FATHER, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE UNTO THEE; TAKE AWAY THIS CUP FROM ME: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt." Do you see it; paraphrased, it sounds alot like this, "Father, you can do all things, including finding another way to fix these people; I don't want to do this, (after who knows how long or short of a pause), nevermind what I would prefer, you KNOW what you are doing, I believe in your plan, so let's go on with it." Do you see it yet? The TRUE SACRIFICE that YOUR FATHER MADE FOR YOU, was in risking that His Firstborn Son would FALL JUST LIKE ADAM. The RISK was that the Messiah would CHOOSE to disobey, and would thereby have contracted the exact same "disease" of being a cancer cell with a damaged nucleus. HAD THAT HAPPENED, THE ONLY REMAINING OPTION WOULD HAVE BEEN TO REMOVE THE CANCER. Effectively, destroying ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, and the Father would have been ALL ALONE AGAIN. I really hope you non-christians (and you christians) truly understand what this all means. The UNBOUND LOVE that the Father portrayed for you, was for YOUR OWN GOOD. So that, in you observing what HE RISKED, you would FINALLY KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!! This is the true story of incredible love. And as for the Messiah, Yeshuah, He aught to be praised for all time. He CHOSE to obey His Father, out of love for His Father, AND, out of LOVE for YOU. He voluntered for the job. There was no one else that could do the job, and for that reason, He will rule in the coming, Never-Ending, governement.

Now, this is ALSO IMPORTANT. The Messiah, with HIS OWN LIPS, also said, that He did not come for the Righteouss. Do you see why? There are a few people throughout history, that ALL ON THEIR OWN, came to the realization that their are rules to be obeyed, and decided to OBEY THEM. These rules are simple: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Anyone that takes a moment to consider what that REALLY implies, will know for their own selves whether or not this trait is in them. If it is, you will not EVER sleep with your neighbors wife. You will not EVER climb the corporate ladder at the EXPENSE of your neighbor. You will not EVER deprive your neighbor of help. And you will not EVER decide who is your neighbor based on their physical attributes, or based on what THEY can do for you.

If you were born and raised a Buddihst, and lived RIGHTEOUSLY (which means in your heart you ALWAYS lived by a certain code that says, "today, I will make justified choices, EVEN if they, get me fired, or, GET ME KILLED) then when the Firstborn Son returns to this world, you have nothing to fear fom Him, HOWEVER, He still deserves your respect, because He voluntered to DIE for you, even before you were born. And yes, HE DIED, meaning HE DIED. He risked something Himself, mainly, He risked existence!!! In the END, the Father showed FAITH in His Own Firstborn Son to accomplish the task at hand, AND, the Son showed Faith in His Father that He would be BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD.

Death is FINAL!!! All those for whom the ONLY cure was not enough to alter their "bad behavior" will have to be removed from existence, for the SAKE of the REST OF CREATION!

For a moment, I want to go back to the Alien/UFO topic. There exists an enemy, the first Liar and "damaged" cell, who is either, 1. retarded enough to think that if in the end there is enough of creation that would have to be destroyed, that he could persuade God to not destroy it, but rather, to place them someplace seperate from the "goodie-two-shoes", OR 2. EVIL enough to simply not want to "go down" alone, but instead wants to take it all with him into destruction, and leave the Father with nothing. That enemy has been at war with man for thousands of years. And in that war, that enemy has used propoganda, in the same way that man uses it in war. And one of his propoganda machines is ORGANIZED RELIGION. Another, used in this very late stage of these war games is, false "end time" theories about an Antichrist, a secret Rapture, a mideast peace pact, and a FUTURE tribulation period. When the Messiah comes, 2 billion christians (or at least all those that believe these false doctrines) will be confused beyond belief. They, like 1 billion muslims, are expecting "the Bad Guy" to show up first, and THEN, the Good Guy afterward. So what will happen. As the book of Revelation records, Satan will have succeeded in deceiving the WHOLE world, 2 billion christians will call Christ, ANTICHRIST, 1 billion muslims will call Him, Dajjal (the muslim "Dark Messiah"), and 4 billion others will call them Alien Invaders bent on enslaving them, or worse, erradicating them. All of the latest ET movies have been geared to get these 4 billion others to think this way.

Another comment I remember reading, was something about God KNOWING the future. That implies that Einstein is right, and that the future ALREADY EXISTS, and can be SEEN. That too is a BIG LIE, made up to make God look either like an idiot, or worse, like an evil God. GOD DOES NOT KNOW THE FUTURE BECAUSE THE FUTURE DOESN'T EXIST. However, God can do TWO THINGS, He can FORECAST according to His Wisdom, what paths have the highest likelihood of coming to pass, AND, more importantly for you and me, He is in a position to GUIDE what comes to pass. So you see, predicting the future for God is as simple as bringing to pass, what He said would come to pass. In FACT, this is exactly HOW WE KNOW God exists. In closing, understand this, I do not believe in God because of any miracles personally experienced, I believe in Him because the things predicted in the bible have come to pass. I can show ANY ONE interested, EXACTLY where Constantine, Napoleon, the Third Reich, the Holocaust, the World Wars, the Attack on the WTC, the latest war in Iraq, the Quartet, and the Roadmap are in prophecy.

Serum39, if you have read my other post, in the other thread, regarding the Four Horns, I would very much like to know your opinion on it. For all others, follow the link he provided, and nevermind all my ramblings in this post, but consider for a few minutes the implications of that other post!!!

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 02:42 AM
Oh, I should have also mentioned this:

When the Messiah does come, it will NOT be the end of the world. You see, there's some "unfinished business" that He will take care of, which is namely, to PREACH AGAIN the true Gospel, not the one that's been distorted by 2000 years of organized religion. He will not preach it at gun point, nor will He be having anything to do with the pagan holidays of christmas and easter, and neither will He show more respect for Sunday than for the Sabath. So many christians will not be able to identify this Jewish Acting person in Jerusalem, who will NOT be quoting from Paul's epsitles on every Sunday Morning, but will instead, be teaching from the TORAH !!!

About 3.5 years or so AFTER He has arrived, people will be fooled into thinking their armies can defeat His army, and then the end will come. So, again, the end will not come on account of Him behaving maliciously, but it will come on account of Him DEFENDING THE RIGHTEOUS. The truly "bad people" will have brought their own destruction to themselves !!!

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 03:29 AM
Great post, Behold! You see and say straight. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 09:11 AM
Hi and Welcome....

When the Messiah does come, it will NOT be the end of the world. You see, there's some "unfinished business" that He will take care of, which is namely, to PREACH AGAIN the true Gospel, not the one that's been distorted by 2000 years of organized religion. He will not preach it at gun point, nor will He be having anything to do with the pagan holidays of christmas and easter, and neither will He show more respect for Sunday than for the Sabath. So many christians will not be able to identify this Jewish Acting person in Jerusalem, who will NOT be quoting from Paul's epsitles on every Sunday Morning, but will instead, be teaching from the TORAH !!!

When Jesus Christ comes all of a SUDDEN......all that needed to be done was done by Jesus Christ..He came to fullfill the Old Testament and that is exactly what He did.........He will NOT PREACH AGAIN......


QUOTE///The first five books of the Bible, generally referred to as the Pentateuch (from the Greek word pente, "five," and teuchos, "a tool" or "implement"), were written by the Prophet Moses during the forty years journey through the Sinai desert.
Originally these books constituted a single collection of God’s revelations and were designated as the "Torah" which means "the Law" in Hebrew (Josh. 1:7). Sometimes these books were also called the "Books of Moses" (1 Ezra 6:18), "the Book of the Law" (Gal. 3:10); "the Law of Moses" (Luke 2:22) or "the Law of the Lord" (Luke 2:23, 10:26; Matt. 5:17).

Since Jesus Christ did come (the awaited annointed Saviour)...He also fullfiled the Old Testament prophecy of which the Prophets spoke of....St John the Babtist was the Forerunner to Christ.....

From the day of the Nativity of John the Forerunner, the preparation of the human race begins for meeting the Son of God on earth. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people . . . And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Most High: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways (Luke 1:68, 76).
These God-inspired words of the priest Zacharias, after he had regained the gift of speech, were made known in all the land of Judea, causing disturbance to all living there, who asked each other in astonishment: What manner of child shall this be? (Luke 1:66).

St John the Babtist~

He will not preach it at gun point, nor will He be having anything to do with the pagan holidays of christmas and easter, and neither will He show more respect for Sunday than for the Sabath.

He never did preach at gunpoint to begin with.
Celebrating the birth of Christ is HONOUR of Christ...with Joy we remember our Lords do we our own birthdays.
Pascha(the English changing it to Easter~that's another matter.) celebrating the EIGHTH DAY.....RESURRECTION of Christ.....the whole point of Christianity rests on the Resurrection of did(and still does) the ''Passover'' of the Jews in the Old Testament......Also the Church celebrates with commemerate.....

The Forty Days of Great Lent commemorates Israel's forty years of wandering in the Wilderness the forty years of painful struggle as Israel longed for and then received entrance into the Promised Land (Ex. 16:35) Moses remained fasting on Mt. Sinai for forty days (Ex. 34:28) and the Prophet Elijah fasted for forty days as he journeyed to Mt. Horeb (1 Kings 19:8).
Great Lent also recalls the forty days the Lord spent in the Wilderness after His Baptism, when He contended with Satan, the Temptor.

Sunday........Proper DAY is Called The Lords Day....KIRIAKI......meaning Lords day......This day was the Resurrection.....Also Christ sat with His Apostles and ate...He broke bread to make them understand that it was Him...

As for means day of Rest.....which is Law in the Old Testament for people yet did not meet the awaited Messiah which is Jesus Christ.

Without still not revealing Himself, the Lord begins His dialogue, giving them to understand that the reason for their uncertainty of their spiritual state, lies within them — in their incomprehension and in the inertia of their hearts. “Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” — His spiritual and not earthly glory.
The disciples listened to their mysterious traveler with an inner heart-felt zeal, and their hearts became so pre-disposed toward Him, that they started to persuade Him to stay with them for the night, citing that night is approaching and to travel alone at night in Palestine, was not without danger. The Lord stayed, and when it was time for supper, as the eldest, “He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.” Evidently this gesture, characteristic of their Teacher, served as an impulsion to open their eyes, and “they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight.”

Lord's Appearance~(Luke 24:13-35 and Mark 16:12).

not the one that's been distorted by 2000 years of organized religion.

Organized Religion .......Organization is required!
That is a fact!
It all began in Genesis.......Adam was given authority over all the animals.
Then we have EXODUS....from the Old Testament.......

This book deals with the miracle of Israel's deliverance from Egypt and with God's covenant relationship with the Israelites at Mount Sinai.
Exodus can be subdivided into two main sections, historical and that of the giving of the Law.
Preliminaries to the departure from Egypt (Ex. 1:l-4:28), where the providential acts of the Lord in the life of Moses,
chosen by God for the deliverance of His people are listed, followed by the circumstances leading up to the Exodus, including the ten plagues of Egypt and the celebrating of the first Passover (4:29-12:39).
The deliverance from Egypt and the subsequent journey to Sinai (chapters 12-18) precede the giving of the Law of God through Moses, where chapter 19 describes the circumstances of the giving of the Law, and consecutive chapters contain the codex of the moral and civil laws, sealed by Hebrews entering into covenant with God (chapters 20-24).
Next follow the laws related to church services and priesthood (chapters 25-31), transgression of the Law in intervals of idolatry (chapters 32-33). A renewal of the covenant relationship (chapter 34) is followed by narratives describing the construction of the tabernacle and implementation of the Lord’s directions by Moses (chapters 35-40).

We have ORGANIZATION given by God to Moses.


The Greek name of this book indicates that it contains the codex of rules, related to the service of the descendants of Levi (one of Jacob’s sons) in the Old Testament temple. These priests were responsible for teaching the Law to the people, conducting sacrificial worship in the tabernacle according to the directions given by God, and ordering the life of the community. Because Israel was meant to live as a holy people (Ex. 19:6), Leviticus contained regulations for both the spiritual and material aspects of life. These rules can be divided into the following sections: sacrificial laws (Leviticus 1-7); laws governing ordination (Leviticus 8-10); laws about impurities (Leviticus 11-16); laws about holiness (Leviticus 17-26); and rules governing vows (Leviticus 27).

review of the first five books~Torah~Pentateuc~

You have scripture wrong....This is not the teachings of the Apostles whom Jesus Christ gave authourity to the Apostles

The Church existed in the Apostles time///
Councils of the Church: A monumental conflict (recorded in Acts 15) arose in the early Church over legalism, the keeping of Jewish laws by the Christians, as means of salvation. "So the apostles and elders came together [in council] to consider the matter" (Acts 15:6).
Also the Church ordained bishops as they do today....

After defending his actions before the Senate and Emperor, Saint Paul was freed from bondage so he could again travel to the east. Spending a long time on the island of Crete, he left his pupil Titus to ordain elders throughout all the cities (Titus 1:5), which shows that Titus was ordained by Paul to be the bishop of the church in Crete. Later in his letter Paul instructs Titus on how to go about his duties as a bishop. From this letter it is clear that Paul intended to spend that winter of 64 in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12), near his native Tarsus.

quote from here

The authority for this prophecy is Jesus Christ, Who received it from God the Father; for I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things (John 8.28).
All prophecy comes from the Father, in the Son, and through the Holy Spirit.
It is not given to human nature, (God took flesh...human nature....therefore as God-man,His human nature did not know)
unenlightened by the Grace of God,
to know the future.
That is why the Lord in His manhood said of His Second Coming: Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father (Mark 13.32), while in His Divinity He certainly knew both the day and the hour...

Introduction. The First and the Last

And I leave you with........

"Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Do not follow them. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

See, I have told you beforehand" (Mt. 24:5, 24; Mrk. 13:6).
The book of Revelation describes some of the striking miracles of the last and ultimate false prophet and promoter of the Antichrist. The Apostle Paul explains to the Thessalonians that these will be not actual miracles but mere illusions and deceptions of the evil spirits (Rev. 13:13-15, 2 Thes. 2:9).

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped,
so that he sits as God in the temple of God,
showing himself that he is God …
And now you know what is restraining (Divine Grace and Providence), which does not allow his appearance. that he may be revealed in his own time.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this reason God will will send them strong delusion,
that they should believe the lie,
that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thes. 2:3-11).


posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 12:20 AM
You will know when Jesus comes, when you look at a man and you think he could be Jesus, dont let that fake you. with out no dout you will know Jesus when he comes.

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by slymattb
You will know when Jesus comes, when you look at a man and you think he could be Jesus, dont let that fake you. with out no dout you will know Jesus when he comes.
That's right, Matt!

For everyone who's watching, remember:

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:25-27

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
Matthew 16:28

In His kingdom! Which is where?

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 04:24 AM
matthew 24 -27 For as the lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE.

1 john 3 -2-3 Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.

luke 21 v 27 At that time they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

(A warning from christ)
mattnew 24 v5 For many will come in my name , claiming, "I am the christ" and will deceive many. (v4) watchout that no one deceives you.


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