posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 05:44 PM
Right, the source must always be single--in any thing requiring a source. Which is everything, basically. It's a endless contemplation.
God the Father is 'pure spirit'. Meaning to me, 'the Ancient of Days', the first cause, etc...
That is 'the' God.
Then there are gods. Sons of God--whether the First Begotten Son, the sons first fallen from Grace, the potential sons of God we all are--are gods,
too--but of course only the first born is God, too. The Son of God is the express image of God the Father--but all the rest are only working toward
being 'gods'.
By saying 'gods' I don't mean sovreigns equal to or even comparable to the Almighty God--I mean beings who are fully conscious and alive through
the spirit of the One True God.
'To be as gods, knowing good and evil'--that is true consciousness.
The word 'god' in itself is too general of a term for any real definition in this regard, anyway. 'God', as a name for a being (other than the
Father and the Son) really only means 'divine in character/nature.'
True understanding of such concepts can only be had outside of the written and spoken bounds of language, IMO.