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The biggest medical conspiracy in America today

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posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 07:00 PM
The U.S. people often complain about the corruption of foreign governments, especially the ones where the politicians take bribes to turn the other way when it comes to drug dealers. It happens all over the world, Afghanistan, Mexico, ALL of Central America and probably in every country that has the ability to produce an illicit drug.

Still, when I hear any politician in my country bring the subject up I can only think of one thing, hypocrite.

The President, Congress and Senate of the United States are all on the payroll of drug dealers. They take their money and turn a blind eye to the carnage that follows. Guess which drug I’m talking about?


400,000 Americans die each year from tobacco usage. That is FAR more then all of the other drugs combined. Legal or illegal.

I saw Peter Jennings on the tube the other night and he pointed out something I found amazing. Tobacco is the only product you can legally buy that, if used the way its intended, will lead to death. That’s very true.

The tobacco companies are the largest drug dealers in the world. They pay off the politicians to turn a blind eye to the truth and continue with the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Now, it’s one thing to just come on here and point it out in a whiny voice and yell about how terrible things are, its another to come up with an answer to the problem.

I think the tobacco companies should be allowed to sell all the cigarettes they want, as long as the cigarettes do not contain ANY nicotine. They’ve proven they can do it in the past with low and no nicotine cigarettes. Those didn’t last long since no one bought them. Still, If they were all that were available.

But then the money would dry up. Our government wouldn’t be making the billions it takes in on the business of death and disease that the tobacco companies sell.

I believe that the largest medical conspiracy in the U.S., Nay, the world, today is the money our governments are taking to turn a blind eye to the addiction of Nicotine.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Love and light,


posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 07:06 PM

I know this may sound like a broken record but is all about corporate power is not regulations and nobody to hold accountable, this what happen when the corporate elite runs a country.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:09 PM
The Tobacco Companies and their lobby share the same goal as the Drug Companies and their lobby; to profit from the sale and have the government shield them from the liabilities of their product. Though they may not work hand in hand, the one does create customers for the other, and they utilize many of the same methods to promote and defend their products.

It is very telling that

Tobacco is the only product you can legally buy that, if used the way its intended, will lead to death.

The Drug Companies and their lobby are more like the uncle or big brother, and their counterparts in the Tobacco Industry are the little brother or favorite nephew.

I have to say imo, because of the quote above, Tobacco Co.s are worse, but the Pharmaceutical Industry is definitely running a much bigger racket in scope, profit, and ultimately, in lives.


posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:19 PM
Agreed Mrwupy,

But with me agreeing with you, I also become a hypocrite
being that I smoke a cig as I'm typing this very text. As a smoker of 4 years, I will admit that I am addicted. It's hard to go a day without 1 smoke at all. And yes I've tried the patches ( just makes u want more, even at lower doses ), the gum ( tasted so nasty I almost threw up ), and even did a lil seminar with other smokers. But the funny thing was, after the seminar everyone went outside for a smoke!!! Talk about hypocrites... but anywayz, people do need to open their eyes and look at what the tobacco company are not only doing to our veterans, and middle aged groups, but the young ones who start smoking at ages early as 14!!!! I hear about friends and family members dying all the time of some sort of cancer, and is it a coincedance that they were smokers? Prolly not, but the nicotine is hard to kick, and I'm not a moron. So eventually I will quit, but now now.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by 2un]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:32 PM
While agree that smoking is horrible for ones health, I have never understood why people get so upset over the sale of cigs. In this day and age, there is not one person who doesn't know how bad they are for you. It's not a conspirecy anymore. We all know that smoking will more than likely take your life if you do it long enough.

Now here's the mind boggling thing. When was the last time you saw a commerical advertisement for smoking. Not in a LONG LONG LONG time huh? And yet, it's still a billion dollar bus. Other than billboards and magazines, there is really no other advertising for smoking. And yet, it continues to be a billion dollar business. Hell, what other product out there has regular commercials that show just how bad the product is for you? And there is a whole other series of products designed to get you off this product. And the prices have increased with a higher mark up than most any other priduct out there. And yet, the smoking keeps going strong.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:55 PM
I think the obvious reason fro this is that they dont have to advertise. They have people addicted to the product. Much in the sam as other non legal drugs, they are addicted and dont need to be told how good it is.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
The U.S. people often complain about the corruption of foreign governments, especially the ones where the politicians take bribes to turn the other way when it comes to drug dealers. It happens all over the world, Afghanistan, Mexico, ALL of Central America and probably in every country that has the ability to produce an illicit drug.

Still, when I hear any politician in my country bring the subject up I can only think of one thing, hypocrite.

The President, Congress and Senate of the United States are all on the payroll of drug dealers. They take their money and turn a blind eye to the carnage that follows. Guess which drug I’m talking about?


400,000 Americans die each year from tobacco usage. That is FAR more then all of the other drugs combined. Legal or illegal.

I saw Peter Jennings on the tube the other night and he pointed out something I found amazing. Tobacco is the only product you can legally buy that, if used the way its intended, will lead to death. That’s very true.

The tobacco companies are the largest drug dealers in the world. They pay off the politicians to turn a blind eye to the truth and continue with the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Now, it’s one thing to just come on here and point it out in a whiny voice and yell about how terrible things are, its another to come up with an answer to the problem.

I think the tobacco companies should be allowed to sell all the cigarettes they want, as long as the cigarettes do not contain ANY nicotine. They’ve proven they can do it in the past with low and no nicotine cigarettes. Those didn’t last long since no one bought them. Still, If they were all that were available.

But then the money would dry up. Our government wouldn’t be making the billions it takes in on the business of death and disease that the tobacco companies sell.

I believe that the largest medical conspiracy in the U.S., Nay, the world, today is the money our governments are taking to turn a blind eye to the addiction of Nicotine.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Love and light,


I wonder just how many people understand the phrase under your screen name. Beautiful statement.
The topic is one I can't understand is why the govt. is allowing people to use it knowing full damn well that it will kill you. I guess it is the old statement of the tobacco company's lining the pockets of the ones we vote into public service. The tobacco lobby is one of those issues that the govt. would like to rid itself of. On one hand, they are empowered to find a way to solve it, and on the other hand they ( our elected officials ) are caught up every day with the perks the tobacco industry is lining their pockets with and being treated to the fine things in life.
I am convinced that the industry has known all along about the ill effects it has upon people and their lives.
It is kind of funny if you think about it: They will sell something that they know for sure to kill you at any moment but yet, they in the same breath, they are standing there with their hands out waiting for that tax dollar.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Now, it’s one thing to just come on here and point it out in a whiny voice and yell about how terrible things are, its another to come up with an answer to the problem.

I think the tobacco companies should be allowed to sell all the cigarettes they want, as long as the cigarettes do not contain ANY nicotine. They’ve proven they can do it in the past with low and no nicotine cigarettes. Those didn’t last long since no one bought them. Still, If they were all that were available.

But then the money would dry up.

I'm unaware of any no nicotine cigarettes every being sold. I am however aware of low (reduced) nicotine (and tar) cigarettes (aka "lights" and "filters") which happen to be among the most popular selling product in the world.

In fact, convincing a smoker to switch to reduced nicotine/tar cigarettes usually pays off handsomely. They either smoke more or longer or both. And it's not like "lights" are cheaper.

Perhaps you're thinking of "smokeless" cigarettes like Eclipse (which people did not want), not nicotine free cigarettes. A nicotine free cigarette is called a pencil in my experience.

But I'd certainly be interested in anything you've come across on this topic.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
400,000 Americans die each year from tobacco usage. That is FAR more then all of the other drugs combined. Legal or illegal.


Unless you consider fatty foods and TV a drug. We already know alcohol is.

The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 19, 2005, Vol. 293, No. 3, p. 298, reported on the leading causes of death in the United States:

Tobacco (435,000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths)
Poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths; 16.6%)
Alcohol consumption (85,000 deaths; 3.5%)

(Note: 16,653 deaths from alcohol-related vehicle crashes are included in both Alcohol consumption above and Motor vehicle crashes below.)

Microbial agents (75,000)
Toxic agents (55,000)
Motor vehicle crashes (43,000)(see Note above)
Incidents involving firearms (29,000)
Sexual behaviors (STDs, hepatitis B and C, and cervical cancer) (20,000)
Illicit use of drugs (17,000)

I'm not sure where non-smoking lung cancer victims as well as prostrate and breast cancer victims (not to mention old age, war, and murder) fit in here. Guess they don't as these are supposed to be causally linked "avoidable" deaths.

In other words, something a little prohibitionist legislation could solve.

So in addition to repealing the 22nd amendment which repealed the 18th amendment prohibiting the manufacture or sale of alcohol (they actually have proven they can sell no alcohol beverages like grape juice), we just add a few more. No nicotine, forced exercise, no fast food, wash your hands often, no cars, no guns and no sex, and *poof* no more avoidable deaths.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:50 AM
These are my only options? This is it?

Poor diet and physical inactivity
Alcohol consumption
Microbial agents
Toxic agents
Motor vehicle crashes
Incidents involving firearms
Sexual behaviors (STDs, hepatitis B and C, and cervical cancer)
Illicit use of drugs
Old Age

I want to die of all of the above at once God damnit!

But you can keep old age.

Edited to add: Crucifixtion! Now there's a way to go out in style!

[edit on 17-8-2005 by RANT]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 08:10 AM
Back in the late 70s, maybe early 80s, when my mom was trying to quit smoking, she had these 'Lettuce' cigs she bought that had no nicotine and were supposed to aid cessation. I don't think they even had tobacco in them at all. They were awful smelling, and I think cigs smell bad to begin with. Anyway, they didn't work, and my mom ended up quitting cold turkey after 35 years to improve her health.

So, fire up some cabbage or something if you want to quit, and give it ten years or so to sink in!

Don't let the dirty bastards get you down. Can I post that in English?

[edit on 17-8-2005 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 10:28 AM
What I have found interesting is that up untill the mid 1980's every member of the military had a cigarette ration. Up until the end of the war in Vietnam cigarettes were included with your rations. You could buy cigarettes on base for about 1/3 of the cost of off base.
What gets me here is that the Federal Government now sues the tobacco companies because of the effects on smoking and the states sue the tobacco companies while both are still collecting the taxes generated by tobacco. There has actually been a case where the Attorney Generals of states who have already settled with the tobacco companies represented the tobacco companies against states that had not reached a settlement. The idea behind this was to keep the tobacco companies solvent so that they could still pay the settlement.

That has got to be the ultimate definition of conspiracy.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by JIMC5499]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:53 PM
Being a smoker who has had two family members die of lung cancer, I'd just like to say... SO WHAT?

Population control isn't a bad thing. The amount of money spent on 6 months of cancer care is MUCH less than 10 years of failing health, and its all by choice since aside from the choice to start smoking, we have the choice to quit. We even have alternative sources of nicotine for the chemical addiction.

I watched two grandparents (and a parent soon) die happy to have lived up til things started to get bad, then die a relativly quick death to cancer.

Also, tons of tax money is made from cigs.

Just worry about yourself and your kids and leave the rest of us alone. We know how it works and we know cigs are bad for you. Its not a conspiracy IF WE ALL KNOW.

I'm sick of anti-smoking people thinking smokers don't know whats up. The truth is, we know and do not care. Its a different mindset.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:57 PM
Dunno but wonder how all the special interest groups play into the deal at Congress in Washington?


posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Don't let the dirty bastards get you down. Can I post that in English?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU. Now where would you find something like that on this board?


posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by RANT

I'm unaware of any no nicotine cigarettes every being sold. I am however aware of low (reduced) nicotine (and tar) cigarettes (aka "lights" and "filters") which happen to be among the most popular selling product in the world.

They are out there and being marketed. here's some links:

I'm not saying the tobacco companies should be told they cannot sell cigarettes. I'm just saying they should be told to sell cigarettes without the addictive substance nicotine in them.

It would save hundreds of thousands of lives a year.


posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Quest

I'm sick of anti-smoking people thinking smokers don't know whats up. The truth is, we know and do not care. Its a different mindset.

For the record, i'm not an anti-smoking person. That doesn't mean I can't see a conspiricy where smoking is involved. cigarettes kill. The tobacco companies know this and so does the politicians they are paying off. It's thae largest legal drug racket in the world and its being perpetuated against the common man.

Just because you understand your getting screwed does make it any less of a conspiricy.

Also for the record, I started smoking when I was 13 years old. I'm now 44 and a cigarette is smoldering in the ashtray as I type this. Just because I know and understand the dangers does not take away from the fact it is a conspiricy.


posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:33 PM
Tobacco was this country's first cash crop, with out the colonies would never have been able to sustain themselves. I have no issues with it. If someone wants to smoke let them smoke. I don't like how much tobacco has had to pay out in lawsuits over health issues. You got to be beyond an idiot to not know smoking is bad for one's health. Common sense people, come on now.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by jrod
Tobacco was this country's first cash crop, with out the colonies would never have been able to sustain themselves. I have no issues with it. If someone wants to smoke let them smoke. I don't like how much tobacco has had to pay out in lawsuits over health issues. You got to be beyond an idiot to not know smoking is bad for one's health. Common sense people, come on now.

I agree with you 100%. What I don't agree with is the way the government is persecuting the tobacco companies while profiting from the taxes on cigarettes. If you or I were to do the same thing it would be called collusion and we would be arrested for it. The purpose behind the taxes on cigarettes is to pay for the increased health costs associated with smoking, but for years these costs were low. This allowed both the State and federal governments to spend the funding on other things. (Sounds kind of like Social Security doesn't it?) Now that the expense is high they are complaining that they don't have the money and are taking it out on the tobacco companies while making themselves out to be heros because they are supposedly looking out for us. They have outlawed dozens of things that were no way near as dangerous because they can't make the money that they can off of tobacco. I don't smoke, never have, but what bothers me is after they milk the tobacco companies dry they might come after beer. If they do that it's WAR!!!!!!

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