posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 03:32 AM
From what I've been able to find out, the USA is *the* country to have already gone to the most trouble & expense to accomodate non-English speaking
citizens anyway...TV stations have Spanish-speaking channels, Human Services offices have translators available, etc. IMO, since English *is* the
country's primary language, those immigrants need to get up off their @$$e$ & learn to speak the language!
If I moved to Japan, I'd be expected to learn Japaanese (as well as I could manage, anyway)...If I moved to Mexico (not friggin' likely!), I'd have
to learn Mexican Spanish. So if they want to move to America, they'd better start learning English.
As it is, there's a virtual invasion of civilian Mexicans coming across the border illegally...They just stroll across the border & start terrorizing
ranch owners & other US citizens. The Mexican government is even *encouraging* such an invasion. Their stated goal is to overrun the US & turn it
entirely to Mexican interests. This may not be a *military* invasion, but it's just as devistating as one.
[Edited on 1-9-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]