posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 11:24 AM
Think this one through. While these bunkers certainly exist...there are several plans in place in most nations on a what if basis.
Responsible governments have made plans based not only on the bunker situation and who would and would not be allowed inside..but also what if
people for some reason could not make it to the bunkers. What they have is lists of key people and their alternates if they get lost or perish and
cannot make it. These senerios are not made public because most of the public cannot handle the type of problems presented by these emergencys.
Most of the public is television trained not reality trained. They will become more of a liability. This too is factored in.
Key people means management people with special skills in their particular management arena..for example..emergency equipment. Medicine, Food
sources, Defense,...information/intelligence gathering, Communications, et al. These key management people will have selected their teams based on
knowlege and ability. Key people will have packets and training on how to establish contact with the others if they survive. Codes to gain access
when others cannot.
There are several good books on this kind of stuff ..and all you have to do is think it trough a bit realize this is not a thing that would
ever be made public to prevent panic and have the public hinder the attempts to get a working government going again.
From time to time here in America we have had very severe hurricanes that have devastated certain areas..tornados too..these are classic micro
examples on emergency management principles and preventing panic. Alot of these principles have been learned and put in to effect as a result of
lessons learned in the last 25 years. They have gotten better at it.
Hurricane Andrew which so devastated Florida some years back is about the worst I can remember here in the States. This buisness with the Tsunami in
Asia last year is also a example of where nations would take note and work on these improvements to handle emergencys on that it was
definitely huge.
Think it through people..often what you will learn is not to your liking but that is the way it is in reality ..not wishful thinking.
Furthermore ..make plans on your up about emergencys. and pepare...dont get to dependent on government to do it for you will often be
dissappointed. If you are unlucky enough to survive something like the comet senerio you described...your problems are only just begining and they
will be huge. You dont want to be surrounded by people whose main occupation is living off of someone elses production and waiting for the next sound