reply to post by ChristyZ
You have been sold to the federal reserve, and the corporations. Your work output is what was mortgaged back in 1933 when america went off the
gold standard. NO head of state is going to help you, me, or anybody else! Don't believe me? Read this, and draw your own conclusions. Click the link
to read the entire article.
The Ficticious Legal Entity Called "a Person"
quote, famously attributed to Rothschild agent Col. Edward House, but rarely understood except by "one man in a million" envisages people as
collateral on the national debt:
"[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and
that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every
American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured
transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to
remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a
million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will
call "Social Insurance."
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant,
however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President
of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."
If you can decipher what this means, you will truly understand a massive piece of the Global Agenda.
Essentially, House's quote illuminates the multiple "need" for imposing Legal Person's status upon us by the Satanic (Ego Worshipping) Elite.
The 'Strawman', also known as the Legal Person or Natural Person is the idea that a Fictitious Legal Entity, called a PERSON, exists for purposes of
Law and Commerce.
This PERSON is similar to a Company or Corporation in that it exists as a construct of the imagination - it has no real body, and no soul to save, but
for legal purposes, carries similar rights and attributes to that of a Human Man or Woman.
These rights include Ownership of Property, Lobbying the Government, Voting, and other activities related to money. The PERSON allows us to function
with Limited Liability (read: Less Responsibility)
Our primary Legal Person, or "ID Card" consists of Birth Date, Eye color, Hair colour, Height, Weight, and now Fingerprints and Retina-scans, as if
that's all we are. Nowhere on an ID Card are your Soul, or your Personality, or your Hopes, Dreams or Capacity to Love ever mentioned...
The emotional insecurities we have about our Bodies are magnified & exploited through constant propaganda and advertising, while our media hammers
away at our psyche, "reminding" us that we are only Bodies, that bodies can only be sexy or ugly, and that Bodies and their Parts must be regarded
as Possessions or Objects to be Owned.
In addition, by Registering (signing over to the state) your Biological Property (your body and the bodies of your children), creating a Birth
Certificate (a Financial Security Instrument representing proof of parental consent in signing over the child) you are thus Consenting to the State's
Ownership of You and Your Children.