posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:24 PM
So much anger and hatred, so much fighting, so much war, why cant it all stop, it saddens me the world has become what it has, America waging wars
with innocent countries, stealing oil, and noone stops them. why? Why does america hate muslims? why do they bomb muslim citties and kill muslim
babies? why cant they just get along? Why do people here support such an evil empire of hatred, why cant it stop, america created all the problems in
the world today and has brought pain and suffering to millions if not billiions in this century, why?
when will this living hell end, why cant america be stoped, how do you people live with all the hatred inside of you and allow such atrocities to
happen around you, why did you reelect an evil dicatator bush, if you yourselves are not evil, Why do you never listen to the U.N and respect other
countries views, why do you drive everyone away from you, and make even more people hate you, America you are an evil and hate fileld land, with an
evil ruler, all you have to do is embrace peace and get along with the rest of this great world and all the problems will go away.