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Top Cop: Terror Camps In Wales

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posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
The licence fee is nothing to do with terror, it is a funding system for an impatrial news source and top rate media network.

As for the use of passports that was a product of world war one, to keep Germans out.

Guns were banned after a masscre at a primary school.

Wow, having written that out i can see your point, terrorism has erdoded our liberties, just in different ways. Still support the gun ban though.

Yeah our resident expert on the UK never misses an opportunity to display his ignorance - well done for educating him.

No doubt the idea of a commercial-free TV and radio organisation is anathema to our US cousins but then again we find widespread obesity, degrees for eveyone, assault weapons in Wal-Mart & endemic political corruption very strange too. Vive la difference!

BTW guns were not 'banned' - some handguns were (although recently some have been granted licences for handguns). Access to firearms is restricted but those that need them and are competent can access them quite easily. Over 2.5 million people hold firearms / shotguns legally in the UK.

The current situation is about right IMO

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 09:14 AM
I understand what you mean but terrorism is terrorism no matter who perpatrates it but I think its highly iresponsible for a person in such a position to speculate on what may or may not happen either there is a risk or there is not. I mean why not give any potential terrorist whoever they may be a list of suggestions/ideas so they dont have to work it out for themselves. Statements such as these smack of preparing the public for such an event and if that is so either the threat is real and nothing is being done to stop it or its goverment sponsored terrorism. Or maybe those who see the slaughter of men, women and children at our hands think its time we got some back.

The alleged terrorists engaged in the plane bomb plots dose not sound authentic, why go to all the trouble of elaborate bombs when at the height of the tourist season one person with a suitacase full of explosives at any airport could have inflicted terrible carnage and would have closed every airport and put every plane on the ground? Why go to all the trouble of trying to get bomb through normal passanger channels. And do you think that the hundreds of thousands of items that go to the airport each day are checked no they are not. The real risk would be from the freight side of the operation would it not, what are they doing about that.

And as for the original thread this is a small island most of which is accessible to the public so I think the spectre of terrorist camps is again a fantasy dreamed up by the goverment. I think the goverment has access to google Earth so I'm sure if there were any they would soon find them. No its just the same old story , frighten people to death get eveyone in fear of muslims etc. Maybe we should round them all up and stick them in camps you know like Hitler did with the Jews. The British invented concentration camps so we know what to do. Or maybe we can all use our brains and not let a minority rule over a majority.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 09:27 AM
terror camps in wales -

HHmmmmm as a mountain leader, this seems to smack of out lawing people being in remote areas - hhmmm to avoid big brother in the wilderness could soon become a crime?? Oh ok so we lose the right to freedom becasue they say terror might lurk out there...

BS- Stinking BS from a stinking BS Goverment who are using terror to stamp all over our freedoms as people.

I call BS on blairs plans. He should be called prince of lies with all this BS he is forcing on us here in the UK.


posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 10:03 AM
The original post is from August 2005.

The police knew one year ago that those camps existed, so I suppose they were not dangerous terrorists if one year after they are still being "indoctrinated" and trained.

And that is another thing that looks suspicious, what do they mean by "indoctrination"? Are they brainwashed to think like a terrorist (if they think in a different way) or is this "indoctrination" just religious speech?

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

The original post is from August 2005.

The police knew one year ago that those camps existed

That's right, and I bumped this old thread with this article from September 3, 2006: Young Muslims held in terror camp crackdown

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Strangerous
No doubt the idea of a commercial-free TV and radio organisation is anathema to our US cousins but then again we find widespread obesity, degrees for eveyone, assault weapons in Wal-Mart & endemic political corruption very strange too. Vive la difference!

PMSL now that is funny
(well done)

Especially the bit about degrees for everyone, certainly in the most pointless of subjects which doesn't amount to anything other than having a degree for the sake it, oh and having a nice flashy name, such as "Pop culture & media" studies. Besides many of these graduates don't end up in jobs relating to the field they studied, making their degree rather redundant. However i'm going off subject.

It is disconcerting that possible terrorist training camps are in the UK, especially in my country Wales. There are only 2.9 million here, and there is a fair bit of mountain terrain and open fields. Perhaps enough for these extremists to utilise them for their own ends. I wish they piss off from my country and indeed the UK, however this is a problem that we'll have to deal with for a longtime to come.

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