Background info!
My Mom thinks I am a star child because her aunt is believed to be one(don't know the story behinde this claim...I think it has something to do with
RH- blood type. But i don't see what that has to do with it.) and also because I was an unusual child (to my mom) growing up...ex: Artistic Abilitys
at a young age (what can I say, I love to draw), well above avrage IQ, my body type (Qouted from my mom "Alien hybrid looking") Skinny, very small,
slim facial featers and with what my mom thinks are abnormaly large eyes, refusing to were cloths around the house until the age of 11, Oh and must
not forget my excentric behavers of dreasing up as a dinosours (My randition of dressing up as a dinosure consest of me naked fascening on with tape a
paper dinosour snout and a paper tail ), not playing with dolls but rather chose to play with plastic dinosour figurings (I had a very strong bond
with a plastic crocodile I creativly named Croco! I treated it like it was my own child. I nerlay killed my dog when I saw him chewing on it.) I have
never experienced odd phycic ability except for seeing auras. which I doubt are actural auras but the negatives of the colors, becaue I have found it
consistent with certin colors (ie. looking at the color green and seeing orenge around it) and of course being a chronic masturebater from the age of
2 to the age of whenever i feel like quiting. That all must Prove that half of me is not from earth!!
but I'm sure alot of kids growing up did the same thing!!
Mind you that my mom has been into aliens ( like her side of the family), and to have believed to be abducted herself a bit as a child, And also me
I have not once rememberd any odd weird nights, Lost time, odd dreams ect. But I do remember having a few peralizing dreams here and there but I never
woke up with an alien face next to mine.
I don't see way all of this has label me a star child. I was just an odd excentric child that was abnormaly skinny growing up. (I mean my mom taking
me to docter after docter (which they said that there was nothing wrong with me, and that i just had to eat more, I never got this becasue to me I ate
alot growing up, and I would eventual grow to normal size which I did. Ex. 6 yers old 2.5 feet whighing around 20-25 lb). Becuase of all the hospital
trips I have develope permenet fear of needls and any one in a lab coat. ( It is not some represed emotional thing from an abduction which my mom
believes) I was looking at some old home movies and I was like DAMN!! I looked like a praying mantis!!!)
But I have read some stuff on the internet about this. They even have a nice 100 question quiz that made no sence or had any conections to what I
would assume to be asked if believed to be a starchild.......but I did get an 84% on it!!! I just love tapioca and shrimp *sarcasim to da max!!*
Apparantly the aliens are going to be after me very soon!!
I believe this to be all a mentel thing. If you believe in something long enough then you will become it.
I aggree with all of you on this thread.
I doubt my family (with the knowledge I have of them) are indeed star children.
But I may never know.