I always find it humorous to see how "secure" most people here are with their lives,or at least they try to pass themselves off as such.
But ya know what?,you could be out of a job tomorrow,with no money to stay where you are within a year if you couldn't find another job by that
Naaaaaa!,you say,that won't happen to me!
Newsflash(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) it's happening all over the country,and it happens because too many people go too far in debt to buy a bunch of junk they
don't need.
Get thrifty or be homeless,It's a lot worse than you are being allowed to know.
But you know if everyone began to live a realistic lifestyle and get themselves out of debt,it would be the end of the banking cartel in this
country,the banks rely on debt to generate any money,money in the US system does not exist without debt,go here,good articles,interesting info too.
Well Yeah!,it's for real,do it.
If enough people get this done,and resist the urge to refinance and buy crap they don't really need anyway,we could get rid of the parasitic Federal
Reserve and actually steal out country back from the thieving bankers.
You see,you have been led to believe that you are free in the US,but how free can you be if there is only one way to do things.Go to work,pay people
for nothing,fact is that most of our bills we pay represent nothing,a debt that is used against you in court to steal you real property from you to
satisfy that debt.
You been had dudes and dudettes.
Wake the fk up!.