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how does your mind work?

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posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 01:28 PM
how does your mind work? is it negative or positive? do you have a strong or weak mind? what are you scared of? are you a reiligous or a scentist? are you into philosofy? what do you like dislike?

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by blue_sky_9
how does your mind work? is it negative or positive? do you have a strong or weak mind? what are you scared of? are you a reiligous or a scentist? are you into philosofy? what do you like dislike?

I have a very positive attitude and I'm usually very accepting of events around me. I'm a logical thinker and I need proof (or at least what I deem to be proof) to go along with an idea or theory. I'm not into religion, in fact I'm not crazy about religion at all.

I have a very strong and calm mind. I'm strong-willed (stubborn). I dislike people trying to control other people. I hate lying.

I can't think of a thing right now that I'm scared of. I would hate to lose my spouse, but I know I'd adjust and get along fine if I did.

I'm not a philosopher, but I consider myself a deep-thinker. I have a good mind and can see all sides of an issue even if I don't agree.

I'm a lover. I love love. If I had a religion, it would be called Love. I'm compassionate and generous and I love to help people.

Is that the kind of thing you're asking? If not, I just really embarrassed myself...

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:51 PM
I have a very similar thread on how different people think.
You might be interested in posting in it as well, or reading it

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:11 PM
But I have no idea what my IQ is. I didn't even go to high school.

I've seen that thread before and because of the exclusiveness of it, I decided to steer clear.
Thanks anyway.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:47 PM
The thread is based more on how intellects think, function, and feel.

[edit on 083131p://555 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 05:02 AM
i feel that iam logical, straightfoward person. i hate lying and lyers, and i love to learn about subjects that intrest me ie. millitary history, physics, sport, music. i consider myself more of a scentist than regilus, but i love philosofy.

i see myself as positive, but i like to have a whinge when things dont go my way. i think i make frends difficultly, but this makes me value the frenids i have higher.

i see myself as a strong mind.

my one fear is being buried alive, and i dont like very big, hairy spiders... *cringes*

i dislike hot weather. dont get me wrong, i like a clear day, but usalally, iam a morning and evening person. the afternoon, the hotist part of the day, i hate.

thanks very much Benevolent Heretic, thats exactly right.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 03:45 PM
I think, therefore I post.

I am quite negative.

I mean....

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