posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 05:48 PM
Mars is increasing in brightness and will be pretty bright (for Mars) on October 29, when it is as close as it gets this time, but not nearly
as bright as it was at its last approach to the Earth in August 2003.
And there will be no "comets'' flying through the sky, although there is a meteor shower, the Perseids, which will reach its peak tonight or
tomorrow night. The Perseids are the remnants of a comet's tail, mostly dust and tiny pieces of rubble, and the Earth passes through them every year
at about this time.
By the way, most of the meteorites you see flashing through the sky are about sixty miles high and as big as a pea. The vast majority of them burn
out before they hit the ground.
[edit on 11-8-2005 by Off_The_Street]