posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 05:06 AM
I want to say something here, because I feel I must, plus, don't know where else to say it.
My disabled daughter was born nearly 13 yrs. ago (she is now deceased). She had some problems from birth; however, we really didn't know to what
extent. At 8 weeks pregnant, I either lost her twin, or had placenta previa, and nearly lost her...thought I had. She was born at 28 weeks gestation
due to getting stuck, sideways, when attempting to turn for birth.
She was evalutated twice, before she was 3 months old, by a child development agency in our city. At almost 3 months old, she was declared fairly
normal. I was relieved. She lifted her head, scooted around on her belly looking around, smiled, grabbed at objects, etc. (I can't remember if she
was rolling over, or not...I think so, but maybe not well, or not much).
She had her first set of shots at about a week over 3 months was horrible after that. She started having seizures. Now, she may have had
two seizures before this (at approx. 21 days old and 2 mos. old); however, they were ones where the doctors, and I, thought that she was just stopping
breathing. They put her on a monitor. These new seizures were extremely hard, and severe, and her body jackknifed when they occurred. Every seizure
damaged her brain more and more.
There's more to the story, but what I wanted to say about the shots is said...I believe they can be very dangerous if there is an unknown, underlying
neurological condition present, such as epilepsy, or even brain damage (she very possibly had some damage before the shots...don't know, will never
know). I believe, with all my being, that the shots made her condition worse....much worse...than it would have been without them. Just her own
reaction to them...something in her...allergic? Possibly, but there it is................beware John Q Public! Please!
[edit on 8/20/05 by FibroKat]