posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 10:25 AM
I have read a little bit about the so called Project Jedi with its ties to Silva Mind Control and NLP and Martial Arts. Psy War as opposed to Real
Flesh Wars in one degree I sense. We already have high tech weaponry to subdue people so why not. Psychic Effects are far cheaper that posh high cost
Electromagnetic Effects, the Mind is the most effective tool a soldier could use.
Look at propaganda and availability of media feeds, with the use of scratch editing. Now we have taken warfare to the extents of what we can call Low
Intestity Conflicts where the UN Peace Keepers can clean up hopefully.
We do not need the horrors of atomic warfare anymore it is too envoirenmentally destructive, even Neutron Bombings may seem too toxic. I don't know
what the use of Electromagnetic Puses would appear like to disable nation's comms effectively. Surely the best way forward as opposed to full on
blood and carnage.
[edit on 26-8-2005 by castlesonair]