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Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
devilwasp - you asked a strange question before and I meant to ask if you are ex-military?
they wish that THEY had a gun of their own to protect themselves from the vile filth that owns Britain's streets at night.
You talk as if the criminal element in Britain doesn't have guns. By current estimates there a one million illegal firearms on British streets right now. Giving the populace the chance to own one of their own would only even the playing field.
I have actually had one of my relatives ask how easy it would be to smuggle a gun back to the UK for them to have for home protection. Whilst this is relatively easy to do, I believe the penalty is now 5 years in jail, so I advised them to just take their chances and forget about guns. Even Pepper Spray would get you into a LOT of trouble.
As for comparing inner city England to rural America, I actually lived in rural England and now live in a city (Phoenix), and this city is much safer than rural England, at least in terms of violent street attacks. England is now a VERY violent place.
Originally posted by kegsI'll say again this seemingly hard to understand concept: If your friends that want to protect themselves were allowed guns to do it, then the people they want to protect themselves against would also have the same freedom to arm themselves. Your friends would be armed, but so would their enemies, legally, and in vastly greater numbers than ever before.
No one can seriously tell me that that would be an improvement.
Well offensive remarks aside, perhaps you can tell the difference between patriotism and statistics.
The irony here is that this is exactly the point that you are missing. I'm guessing that you've never lived outside of the UK, certainly not in a country that trusts its citizens enough to have widespread and easy access to firearms. So your thinking is based solely on your knowledge of a socialist system and the associated propaganda of a media system with a socialist agenda, i.e. you could never have a rational discussion on the subject in the UK.
What about Switzerland, where every home has a gun, often an assault rifle, and yet gun crime is practically unheard of.
I guarantee you that every home in my neighbourhood here has guns, my neighbours on both sides certainly do, and all the guys I work with do too. Number of shootings in my neighbourhood in 4 years - zero, number of burglaries - zero, number of street assaults - zero, number of rapes - zero. My wife jogs the south mountain trail every morning with a S&W Model 642 in a waist bag, it's actually siting by me on the study desk as I type, the girl she jogs with carries a SiG P239 in 9mm, 4 years of jogging with no problems. In Northwich, UK I was scared to let her out alone after a woman was murdered while walking her dog in the neighboring town of Sandiway. The girls here don't even think about it, the guns are just there if needed, but BECAUSE they are there they are never needed.
There seems to be this perception that once you unleash guns on a society, everyone runs around killing each other. That perception is also rife in parts of America, the socialist parts which always have the worst crime. Worst crime spots in America - New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC - which cities have the toughest gun laws - New York, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC. Starting to get it, no, probably not.
I'm actually happy that the UK has such tough gun laws and increasing crime levels, it's used in the US as an example of what happens when you go down that road.
Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
307 firearms related offences in London alone in one month and that from 2002, I hear that things have grown much worse since then. It seems that the UK's glorious gun ban isn't being respected by criminals, strange only to a hoplophobe.
Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
You talk as if the criminal element in Britain doesn't have guns. By current estimates there a one million illegal firearms on British streets right now. Giving the populace the chance to own one of their own would only even the playing field.
I have actually had one of my relatives ask how easy it would be to smuggle a gun back to the UK for them to have for home protection. Whilst this is relatively easy to do, I believe the penalty is now 5 years in jail, so I advised them to just take their chances and forget about guns. Even Pepper Spray would get you into a LOT of trouble.
devilwasp - careful, you know what they say about sailors
Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
Devilwasp - you have a serious case of "Last Word Syndrome" but I'll play along.
The point of there being so many illegal guns in the UK is just that, criminals have easy access to weapons, as that Harvey Nicholls shop assistant recently discovered to her detriment. All the government managed to do was remove from circulation thousands of legally owned weapons that were never involved in criminal acts, or acts of self defence for that matter, all because of the actions of a couple of nut jobs (Michael Ryan and Thomas Hamilton). Thereby solving nothing, costing the country millions of pounds in restoration fees, destroying large numbers of high quality firearms that could have been re-sold overseas, and killing sport and competition pistol shooting overnight in Britain.
Britain today is a nasty, violent place, even in rural areas where I hail from. People are scared to walk the streets at night, and homeowners in some areas are terrorized and defenceless. Compare that for a second to gun-crazed America, I have lived in gun hating states here (Maryland), gun tolerant states (Virginia) and gun loving states (Arizona), and the high gun ownership states have the lowest crime levels and the best behaved population.
They have a saying here, "an armed society is a polite society", and that's true, standards of American behaviour are much higher than UK standards, where every other word appears to be F*** Off. Now I'm not suggesting that this is all due to guns. But criminals here have had to change their ways because of armed citizens. When concealed carry was first introduced in Georgia, carjacking became unheard of almost overnight in Atlanta, when it was introduced for women only in Miami in the 1980s because of a sharp rise in the number of rapes, the incidence of rape declined 60% in one month.
As I said before, Britain is now such a socialist rats nest what with the antics of the government, the BBC, and the chattering classes in general, that you should be thankful to still have pointy knives. But as alien as it may seem, you should consider that many parts of the USA have demonstrably benefitted from high levels of personal firearm ownership, and that crime has acutally decreased as a result.
I would hope however that we could at least agree on one thing, namely that there is no justification in preventing people who have had background screening checks and been licensed by the police, from owning handguns for the purpose of competition shooting. Because if your thinking can't even allow that notion as being "safe for the children" then discussing the issue of widespread ownership is pointless.
One last interesting anecdote, I am a member of a British society here in Phoenix where ex-pats get together for a drink, and I would say that 80% own guns and shoot regularly for recreation and some competition shooting, funny that.
Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
Whoa, serious anger management issues going on here.
Hey I agree, if they're all as excitable as you maybe you should just stick to Super Soakers
Enjoy your disarmed state, you deserve it.