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9/11 & 7/7 bigger than we all thought?

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posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 03:21 AM
I came across this guys website and he offers some good reasons that most of the G8 was involved in 9/11 and the other attacks. He also has a list of websites that the CIA and other agencies are using to spread disinformation that looks truthful and to our benefit. Most websites are unaware of what is happening so don't think all of them are deliberately spreading lies.

You can listen to the interview to hear what he has to say. He has been investigating for 4 years so i will give him some credit. If most of the G8 countries are in on this how are we going to defeat them?

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 03:32 AM
Hi there. Though I can feel somethings wrong your supporting information references nothing. Nothing one can dig his teeth into at all. Just words from an unknown writer. Otherwise I believe it all.


posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 11:01 AM
If we go by withnesses it is obvious israeli agents ('art students') must have had a hand in it. They were seen celebrating as the towers crumbled. If they had been following arabs at a distance to spy on them they would not have cheered that the arabs succeded with the towers. As they did cheer the only logical conclusion is that zionist Israel was behind it; the israeli 'art students' planned it and then hired (?) arabs to do the act.

It was political; they wanted with this to blame palestinians and thus secure US support in a war against Palestina. They must have been suprised when US decided to attack muslim countries far away from Palestine.

Read the details here;

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
He also has a list of websites that the CIA and other agencies are using to spread disinformation that looks truthful and to our benefit. Most websites are unaware of what is happening so don't think all of them are deliberately spreading lies.

I notice that page links to a blog which links to which is on that list.
How the hell can that be considered legit?

That audio voice sounds fake. Listen to it, it sounds like a AI program.
Does anyone know this person and can confirm that they just talk like that?
What the hell is with the trance music aswell??

That audio is just bizzare to say the least.

I would say that page and that audio are part of the CIA campaign. Until they list websites like World Daily Net and not just left-leaning websites, i wouldn't buy it.

Some of those sites, like and have done alot of work to expose the CIA, they have even seen journalist associates killed for it when getting close to CIA drug trading etc.


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