posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 08:52 PM
This quote happened as a result of satilite imagry taken by the NIMBUS and TIROS during the 1960's, as stated by Carl Sagan:
"...there have been several hundred thousand photographs taken and examined in the Tiros series. On some of these photographs, objects as small as
2000 feet are discernible. Yet in all of these photographs, only one shows any clear sign of life on Earth. This is a phtograph taken by Tiros 2 of
the forest near the Canadian logging town of Cochrane, Ontario, on 4 April, 1961. In the upper left part of the picture, several wide parallel
stripes can be seen; and at right angles to them, another set. Swaths one mile across have been cut through the Canandian forest by the loggers. The
swaths were seperated by about two miles. After the swaths had been made, snow fell enhancing the contrast between the trees still standing and the
treeless swaths. But even here, on this one-in-a-million photograph, do we have unambiguous signs of life, from the vantage point of Mars...?"
So, with that decades technology, how can we declare the Face and the surroundings as a false, when there were no clear cut signs of life here?
The above quote was taken from the book "Intelligent Life in the Universe", published by Dell in 1967.
[Edited on 8-10-2003 by soothsayer]