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Massive US recruitment of Indian nurses

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posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Amerika the next third world, or the next New world?

Massive US recruitment of Indian nurses - the new wave
Babu Ghanta
Aug. 5, 2005
The overseas placement agencies claim that there is an estimated shortage of nearly 2.5 lakh nurses in hospitals across the US
The nurses can make $5000 per month and up. There are companies that bring in Indian nurses with green card.

Do you see the pattern yet?

Software Development - gone
Engineering - gone
Teaching - going
Nursing - going
Doctors and other practioners - soon to be going
Unskilled jobs - gone....given to illegal aliens.

The United States is being conquered without a shot being fired.


posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 06:56 PM

The United States is being conquered without a shot being fired.

And by its own government...

The 10th characteristic of Fascism:

10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:12 PM
We have a lot of nurses here in the UK from places like India and Malaysia, all i can say about them is that they care just as much as homegrown nurses. When i was in hospital they were fantastic, actually better than the English nurses , but i wont discriminate.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:20 PM
america is being turned into a consumer nation, foreign people do the work for us, you could say enslaving the world so business doesnt have to pay as much as they have to in the US.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Sauron says:

Do you see the pattern yet?

Software Development - gone
Engineering - gone
Teaching - going
Nursing - going
Doctors and other practioners - soon to be going
Unskilled jobs - gone....given to illegal aliens.

The United States is being conquered without a shot being fired.


I'm an engineer, my wife is an RN, and my kid is becoming a teacher; and we all have jobs because we thought to study and prepare for them.

None of those jobs are even in danger of going (except for, perhaps software development).

And the only reason that's in jeopardy is that Americans choose not to compete, either on wages, education, or will power.

Whether you like it or not, the 21st Century is a world century and we no longer have artificial barriers like oceans to insulate us from the reality that other people are just as smart and just as hard-working and just as quality-concious as we are, and we have to compete instead of sitting on our unionized butts.

If your job is in jeopardy, it's because you're not constantly re-inventing and re-educating yourself, which is what we all have to do.

And if your kid can't find a job, someone fell down on his obligation to give him the will-power and common sense to learn a good trade, and it's not the teachers' or the government's responsibility.

I can't imagine why someone with enough brains to bait a fish-hook would toss away the chance to make sixty to eighty thousand dollars a year, simply because it takes a two-year college degree and passing the nursing boards to get there, but apparently there are those people around.

And I can't imagine why, with the junior colleges practically free and most employers helping with the tuition and books, so many people think watching South Park and Fear Factor is more important to getting and education.

But apparently it is to many people, and when they lose their jobs or go down to the World of Wally to wear the Blue Vest, I have no sympathy for them at all.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:38 PM
I have to agree with OFF THE STREET if you don't want to succeed then your job will be filled by someone who does and they come from poorer nations nowadays. This is Capitalism that Americans are pushing as the right way of the world. Do i see some people thinking this is not so good now the jobs are going?

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 08:08 PM
Get something out of this:

Get yourself a good education so you dont have to end up competing with the 6/hr aliens. In this case, let this be a lesson to those contemplating quitting school. Get it?

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 08:36 PM
I don't necessarily view it in the same light that Sauron does.

What's new, the best and brightest come to America so that they can really do something with their skills. What color is an American exactly? What God does an American pray to?

Let them come. Let them prosper. Let them see why America is one of the greatest nations in the world.

As long as they come here, make a fair wage, pay their taxes, and to some extent integrate themselves into American culture, god bless 'em.

The illegal aliens are a horse of a different color though. The illegal immgration conspiracy is a plot against the American citizen plain and simple, and it's not that America is being conquered, it's that America is undergoing a coup. The illegal immigration conspiracy is a corporate oppression of the American worker, designed to drive down wages while driving up consumption. When the aliens don't make enough money to support themselves, the additional consumption is subsidized by the taxpayer in the form of welfare, food stamps, and other such entitlement programs. That's just wrong.

But bringing in skilled professionals from other nations, contingent upon the fact that they deserve a fair wage and should pay their fair share of taxes, that's part of what makes America great. People come to reap the benefits of our open society and that gives us the best and brightest the world has to offer in many cases. The situation in the nursing field is better than most of course. Jobs being exported is a major problem. Importing skilled professionals is another matter entirely though. Unlike the job export situation, in the case of the nurses it's not as if Americans were being replaced. Americans aren't entering the field fast enough. The jobs are there for anyone who wants to get the education and do them. If we don't do it, others will sieze the opportunity. Our fault.

America has some serious problems to work out. We're getting ourselves in a lot of trouble and fixing to go the way of Rome, but I don't think bringing in foreign nurses is a part of that problem.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 08:51 PM
You moan about the illegal immegrants in your country but the people who employ then are Americans , making more money using cheap labour. Its up to the Goverment to stop it , but will they?


posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
You moan about the illegal immegrants in your country but the people who employ then are Americans , making more money using cheap labour. Its up to the Goverment to stop it , but will they?

The US and State government allow the ‘illegals’ to work by selective enforcement, if businesses were to receive ‘equal protection under the laws’ illegals would have a very hard time fining a job if enforcement was applied properly.

I do quite a bit of business in the southern United States and what I have come to know first-hand is that the Hispanics are the primary exploiters of illegal labor. Green card holders are not illegal. As an employer, I have not one illegal on staff; many of my colleagues have none on staff. I recently attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting and a major topic was about avoiding fines and penalties by properly filing necessary required forms and further vetting employees (primarily because we are predominately not minority owned businesses and we get reviewed quite often).

Most (and I mean most) ‘illegals’ are employed by Hispanic owners/operators, in my area, ironically which do not undergo similar reviews (or operate ‘cash’ or contractual type businesses such as landscaping or general construction), are given preferential treatment in government bids (local, state and federal) and are somewhat more ‘protected’ in their hiring and accountability than the majority. Not only is there preferential selection in bids but the blind eye exists when it comes to general accountability… yet firms must compete. That is a completely different issue however; the US government has created and continues to foster the problem.


posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
You moan about the illegal immegrants in your country but the people who employ then are Americans , making more money using cheap labour. Its up to the Goverment to stop it , but will they?

I can only assume that this is in repsonse to my post, and if it is then I have evidently not made myself clear enough.
I'm not blaming the illegals. The illegal immigration conspiracy is an active effort on the part of American corporations and their political servants in both parties.
Hell no they aren't going to stop it. Even the republicans, whose media talking heads love to drag out the brown boogey man to scare us to their side, aren't taking any serious steps to secure the border. As far as they are willing to go is fight against the right of the illegals to have a drivers license (which isn't even really being perpetrated in our interest- it's just a scheme to normalize unlicensed and uninsured driving on their part so that people like "One Bill Gill" Cedillo can eliminate the consequences for violating the laws to these people further inviting them to come and aid the corporate conspiracy to make the American consumer earn less and pay more.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 10:47 PM
No, the politicians that we 'expect' to stop the illegal immigration are too busy taking money from lobbist that represent the businesses that hire them......and too busy trying to get their vote.

I worked for a company that hired illegals, fairly openly. They didn't do it because they were cheaper, it was because the illegals accepted ( or could do nothing about ) things like no insurance, and OSHA safety violations, among other discriminations.

Highly skilled, legal workers, like nurses, will be paid as highly as those we have here....after all they will have to face the same cost of living. They will also demand fair treatment, and should have a beneficial effect on 'the playing field' that we all share.

As to being less educated than those we are losing our jobs to......I have always been more 'technologically advanced' than the position I held required me to be......and usually light years ahead of the owner/manager I worked for. Yet my job was handed off to a younger, lower paid ( American), and statisically less likely to cost the insurance provider anything.

From my vantage point, management is often the part of business that has fallen behind the technology, dropped the ball on productivity, and grossly blames their own failures on 'the uneducated American worker'.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:05 AM
There is a shortage of nurses in the US.

Would you rather escalate that shortage, or would you rather welcome any and all foreign nurses to help keep your citizens healthy?

This is a no-brainer, surely?

(fwiw, not all states will hand out a driver's license to illegals; at the very least you need a SS# and document saying you've applied for immigration benefits, and not every state hands these out easily. I've been there, done that and got the darn t-shirt)

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:22 AM
Nursing is an odd profession. Its sort of both a blue and white collar job and it is clearly not for everybody. Traditionaly Canada has led the pack in nurses comming to the United States. Other counties such as the UK and Australia as well.

Why? Working conditions and the biggest factor of them all. Wages.

This type of shoratge is great news for myself and my wife (who is an RN as well) It means that our compensation will begin to at least get close to the demands that our jobs place on us. Long hours, weekends, holidays, off shifts and the like all take thier toll. The shortage will get bad in traditionaly lower payed areas of nursing like nursing homes and home health were nurses are leaving those jobs for higher paying ones in acute care hospitals. The money in a high demand area is petty good. A new graduate nurse with no experience at our hospital STARTS at about 80K a year and moves upward pretty quick (Thats based on 72 hours worked) and does not include an aditional 18% if they work at night. Before you get too worked up about it remember that the median price of a home in Santa Clara county is int eh neighborhood of about 700K

California is off to a good start with mandatory staffing ratio's but more is needed. The recruitment of nurses from outside of the US will help a bit, but no amount is going to make up the gap that is growing much bigger.

[edit on 8/7/05 by FredT]

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