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Was the Tsunami Manmade?

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posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 08:36 PM
the scary thing about it is that these are actually possible reasons....

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:03 PM
NO, there is simply not enough power for a machine nore the funding and man power. This is Hollywood thinking.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 02:20 PM
Interesting, however, I think that you can take the conspiracy theory a bit far... Suelry the deaths of over 100,000 people cannot be justified in any way?


posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 02:23 PM
Maybe it was Dr. Evil and his laser

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 02:30 PM

First, the US is about the only power that could fund something like this kind of weapon. If we were to use it, it probably would have been closer to China, Korea, or Japan....

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 04:33 PM
Well just so you guys know, the Tsunami Bomb was created and successfully detonated by both American and Soviet forces almost 40 years ago. After that, no more word on its progress which in government terms means the project goes forth even today and who knows the accountability of such a weapon.

We were also warned of "terrorists" using nukes against the Cumbre Volcano to flood the East Coast of the US. So if terrorists have such a playbook, what does the greatest military power in history have in its little black book?

I'm not saying the Asian Tsunami was a conspiracy but to dismiss it as a natural occurance without viewing everything on the subject is to be ignorant of the facts. I think the only way we will know for sure is if you see more and more irregular tsunami's striking different parts of the world that normally have never expected a tidal wave but other than that, the Asian Tsunami was a disaster for humanity and should serve as a grim reminder of how powerful nature is.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Frosty
NO, there is simply not enough power for a machine nore the funding and man power. This is Hollywood thinking.

Sending a man to the moon and robots to Mars was hollywood at one time to

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:07 PM

the only suspisions i noticed in the first post was that there were no after shocks, but i found plent on gooooogle about aftershocks, actually, too much, im not sure i remember an earthquake with so much aftershock awareness

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by magnito_student

Originally posted by Frosty
NO, there is simply not enough power for a machine nore the funding and man power. This is Hollywood thinking.

Sending a man to the moon and robots to Mars was hollywood at one time to

But we're talking about the difference in power. The power needed to send a man to the moon uses liquid hydrogen as fuel and oxygen as a propelant and the gravitational force of the moon for its power to come back home as well. To manipulate billions of gallons of ocean water takes a bit more than a Satrun V. This would require a massive machine or an explosion across miles of ocean floor to create the undertoe(?) of the tsunami.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 03:36 AM
It was said that the Earth rang like a bell for almost 10 minutes after the earthquake. I don't think we'll ever see the kind of power that could do that in something man made.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 08:31 AM
I have a hard time believing that humans could be so powerful as to cause a tsunami of this magnitude.
However the idea, if at all possible, to attack a nation with a natural disaster like a giant tsunami is pretty ingenious, especially if you don't want to declare war or anything, nobody would question a natural disaster.

It would be the perfect plan, but still a bit far-fetched.

Reality can sometimes be more bizarre than fiction, but I don't know what to believe.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:37 AM
with the bombs that hit japan, 10 % of the uranium actually reached nuclear fision, that tells me that hiroshima would look like a firecracker compared to what we are capable of today. im not saying the tsunami was man made, but we shouldn't ignore it solely on the idea that it seems to big for man to make. how about we just believe that there is no way any party would attempt something so "ingenious" (as one person put), or in my terms "nasty" that it would disturb the ballance of mother nature, the day we start callin that shots on weather, is the day the world sees how evil the vatican really is (wrong thread i know)

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 08:24 AM
that article was just opinion, no hard facts. The U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln was a good ship to send there, along with marines, for a few reasons:

1. It can convert up to (i think) 900,000 gallons of seawater to freshwater a day
2. its a mobile airfield where said water can be airlifted to help the masses
3. large number of marines: Manpower to assist in searching, w/e

Battle of Fallujah: Insurgents were pissing off the U.S., plus, thats where a huge insurgant insurgen base was there.
So many dead insurgants was because they fought to the death to get to heaven

blah blah blah, yada yada yada


posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by dazed and confused
with the bombs that hit japan, 10 % of the uranium actually reached nuclear fision, that tells me that hiroshima would look like a firecracker compared to what we are capable of today.
Let's start from comparison, largest underground and deep (all energy transferred to surrounding rocks) nuclear test code named "Cannikin" which was test of 5 megaton warhead of Spartan ABM and it was detonated in mile deep shaft (Amchitka Island, Alaska). This caused ground shaking equal to 6.8 Richter quake.
Now Richter scale is logaritmic, also one magnitude increase means released energy is multiplied with 32.
And let's use average which gives 9.1 for magnitude of quake so difference is 2.3 magnitudes. That gives 32x32x3 ~ 3000 as multiplier.

Now for comparison largest nuclear bomb ever detonated had yield of ~50 megaton.
It was three stage design and weighted 27 tons. Sure you could add consecutive even bigger stages but size and weight would increase pretty much exponentially.
Also there would be even bigger problem with device of required yield... how to hide fireball rising to high above atmosphere!

So yeah, especially western civilization has nasty disease, delusion about human being somehow equal to forces of nature.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 06:12 PM
a follow up:

The article has no hard facts linking the tsunami to anything manmade. saying dropping the container in the ocean without anyone knowing, not gonna cut it

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 11:20 PM
Im pretty positive that must be a thread on EM weapons on this site. For those of you who haven't heard of it, its based on electricity being built up in the ionsphere?? and discharged into a designated area. It's highly technical and im only just starting to get a grasp of it. A scienctist name Telsa was the discoverer. Aparrently, it can create earthquakes, make volcanoes errupt and through the earthquakes, create tsnuamis.
In northwest Australia there has has reports of there being numerous test with massive slow moving 'fireballs' crossing the sky and creating subsiquent earthquakes. Of course the authorities have dismissed them as meteorites and crashing satellites but l think thats B/S. Perth, Western Asutralias captial, a city of around 1,000,000 had upwards of 500,000!! people reporting of a slow moving fireball, as in not at meteorite speed, with some reports of a low pitch mechanical sound emitting from it. Anyway here is the link to the five part article "Bright Skies", awesome reading l reckon.

In these articles you will notice reference to a 'US Army Base' in Exmouth Northern WA, that recently (late 90's) was handed back to Australian Government and in turn was not in use anymore! Ha, not according to nexus!

Scarily, go to a world map or google earth and check Exmouth and its close promixity to Sumartra, Indonesia where the Aceh province is located. You could pretty much skim a rock across the top of the indian ocean and it would be a direct hit.

Dont know what this is at the tip above Exmouth, but it looks pretty sci fi thats for sure!!
Maybe a EM something?? Any ideas?

[edit on 20-9-2005 by gottabesuss]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 11:35 PM
Here is the image.


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