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The Man of Lawlessness Revealed - 2

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posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:21 AM
The Man of Lawlessness Revealed

People familiar with religion will already know that the Man of Lawlessness is a Religious Conspiracy mentioned by the Apostle Paul himself.

Here is the scripture:

2 Thessalonians 2

3Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

A truly scriptural investigation which reveals the Man of Lawlessness can be found on my blog. I would post it here but unfortunately the T's and C's of this forum do not allow lengthy posts and so a link is all I can provide.

The bible itself indicates this Religious Conspiracy will eventually be revealed. To properly understand how it is revealed you will need to take the time to read the entire entry and the scriptures quoted.

If you don't want to invest the time I guess you will just have to accept ignorance.

If you would rather deny ignorance here is the link: has-been-revealed.html

The discovery of this religious conspiracy will eventually have the most profound effect on every inhabitant of this planet.

If you are just a naysayer or debunker I probably won't answer your post however, if you have a rational and relative question or objection I will try hard to get an answer.



[edit on 5-8-2005 by ablebodiedman]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:28 AM
I see you're taking another stab at this post. No offense but if this is important information --- and it certainly seems it would fall under that heading --- then there is no reason you couldn't reveal the answer with the important details here and then provide a link to your blog for the 'guts' of the argument. If I had figured out who the antioChrist was I'd be sure to disseminate it as widely as I could:

'I've figured out that the antiChrist is PeeWee Herman. The main reason is becasue if you look in Revelataions it says... For an indepth explanation and detailed proof visit my blog at'

Otherwise it just looks to everyone like another self-promotion link. Hey... at least I responded.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:44 AM
I would love to read your blog & entertain your thoughts on this information...however, when I tried your link all I got was a 404: page not found error.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:46 AM
your link doesnt work. when i click it, it says there is no blog at the URL you requested.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by ablebodiedman
People familiar with religion will already know that the Man of Lawlessness is a Religious Conspiracy mentioned by the Apostle Paul himself.

And people familiar with droning doorstep conversations with Jehova's Witnesses's will already know this is going nowhere fast.

For those so inclined however (but not already familiar with the concept that links with spaces in them go nowhere fast as well) this link will get you to page after page of something ultimately leading to one man's crusade to get the governing body of Jehova's Witnesses to take him seriously.

I think.

Who the hell knows? I'm not any wiser for reading this. Just much, much older.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
I see you're taking another stab at this post. No offense but if this is important information --- and it certainly seems it would fall under that heading --- then there is no reason you couldn't reveal the answer with the important details here and then provide a link to your blog for the 'guts' of the argument. If I had figured out who the antioChrist was I'd be sure to disseminate it as widely as I could:

'I've figured out that the antiChrist is PeeWee Herman. The main reason is becasue if you look in Revelataions it says... For an indepth explanation and detailed proof visit my blog at'

Otherwise it just looks to everyone like another self-promotion link. Hey... at least I responded.


So people on this forum are interested in understanding Above Top Secret profundities but only if they are spoon fed.

Please don't you take any offense however, if I just tell you who the man of lawlessness is and invite people to read the supporting proof I will just have a lot of posts with irrelevant naysaying from people who don't want to take the time to properly deny their ignorance.

In regard to your well meaning advice I will try this:

By evaluating parallel scriptures I have been able to establish that the man of lawlessness is the same as the "evil slave" mentioned in Matthew chapter 24. This evaluation leads to a list of features which can be used as a pattern to measure against historical realities.

Here is the list:

1:- An esoteric group of people who will be revealed

2:- a group of people who are likened to a man

3:- and overthrown

4:- and completely destroyed

5:- They will not accept a life saving truth

6:- It is likely they had a responsibility to accept and also disseminate the truth.

7:- Their revelation and overthrow will occur immediately before the manifestation of Jesus Christ’s presence.

8:- their complete destruction will be related to the coming of Jesus Christ

9:- he will entice his followers to venerate him as a god (perhaps in addition to the true God)

10:- he will have access to the actual Temple of God.

11:- he will be deluded into believing a lie.

12:- he and his worshipper/followers will not realize that he is the "man of lawlessness" because of this delusion.

Is there an entity presently in existence whose history matches the feature listed above.


Please deny ingnorance by very carefully reading the following blog entry to find out who I have matched these features to. has-been-revealed.html



posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by ablebodiedman
People familiar with religion will already know that the Man of Lawlessness is a Religious Conspiracy mentioned by the Apostle Paul himself.

And people familiar with droning doorstep conversations with Jehova's Witnesses's will already know this is going nowhere fast.

For those so inclined however (but not already familiar with the concept that links with spaces in them go nowhere fast as well) this link will get you to page after page of something ultimately leading to one man's crusade to get the governing body of Jehova's Witnesses to take him seriously.

I think.

Who the hell knows? I'm not any wiser for reading this. Just much, much older.

I didn't find any rational argument here which would indicate you took the time to deny ignorance or that I could give a satisfying reply to.

All this post does is support my concern that many posters just want to be spoon fed.

Perhaps you could use your moderator super powers and fix the link in the original post for me.

That would be usefull.



[edit on 5-8-2005 by ablebodiedman]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by metalmessiah
I would love to read your blog & entertain your thoughts on this information...however, when I tried your link all I got was a 404: page not found error.

I fixed it.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.



posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by ablebodiedman
Perhaps you could use your moderator super powers and fix the link in the original post for me.

That would be usefull.

Perhaps I could. And that would be useful. And probably much appreciated. But I'd hate to spoon feed forum functionality to such a complicated person of depth as yourself.

Then you wouldn't have the tedious pleasure of figuring it out for yourself just as you seem to think we should all enjoy deciphering your nonsense and playing your little head games.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:41 PM
I read the whole blog & it to me that narrowed it down to half the population. who do you interpret it to be?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:14 PM
your site indicates that the " "man of lawlessness"[is] the rest of mankind then, who do not accept Jesus Christ as Savior?"

Thats not a religious conspiracy.

So people on this forum are interested in understanding Above Top Secret profundities but only if they are spoon fed.

Listen, you don't get to come here and pretend that you have mystical knowledge of some sort and not get to the point of whatever you are trying to get at. This is a discussion board, not an evangelizing forum or a soapbox. If you can't talk clearly about whatever you are talking about, then there is no point in you even starting to talk about it.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by ablebodiedman
Perhaps you could use your moderator super powers and fix the link in the original post for me.

That would be usefull.

Perhaps I could. And that would be useful. And probably much appreciated. But I'd hate to spoon feed forum functionality to such a complicated person of depth as yourself.

Then you wouldn't have the tedious pleasure of figuring it out for yourself just as you seem to think we should all enjoy deciphering your nonsense and playing your little head games.

Same thing.

No rationale which I could give a satisfying answer to.

Just an obstacle to well meaning people who truly want to deny ignorance.

Perhaps instead I could give this answer which some may find satisfying.

At the time of "the end" there is a paradox which I suspected would manifest itself and give me comfort that the Religious Conspiracy is having its prophetic response. It is directly in regard to denying ingnorance (or acceptance of it). It was communicated by an angel to the Prophet Daniel.

Here is the scripture:

Daniel 12

10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand.

Maybe some of the more negative responses will indeed be upbuilding for me.

The Bible itself admits to a mystery.

Revelation 10:6-7

"There will be no more delay! 7But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets."

I hope you will agree that a mystery is also a secret conspiracy which is designed to eventually be revealed.

In other words a ........................... Head Game.

In fact this portion of the ATS forum is set aside in order to better understand religious conspiracies.

Head Games.

Head games (mysteries) are usually designed so that they are not easily recognised or understood.

Your post provides the supporting evidence for this.

Thank you


[edit on 5-8-2005 by ablebodiedman]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
your site indicates that the " "man of lawlessness"[is] the rest of mankind then, who do not accept Jesus Christ as Savior?"

Thats not a religious conspiracy.

So people on this forum are interested in understanding Above Top Secret profundities but only if they are spoon fed.

Listen, you don't get to come here and pretend that you have mystical knowledge of some sort and not get to the point of whatever you are trying to get at. This is a discussion board, not an evangelizing forum or a soapbox. If you can't talk clearly about whatever you are talking about, then there is no point in you even starting to talk about it.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Nygdan]

your site indicates that the " "man of lawlessness"[is] the rest of mankind then, who do not accept Jesus Christ as Savior?"

No, it doesn't.

Your post indicates you did not take the time to deny ignorance.



posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 02:46 PM
Thread closed due to it being completely unintelligible.

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