posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Satyr
Religious people are some of the most ignorant on the planet, unfortunately. Everything is either evil or good, to them, and "god" is the cure for
Any carpet statement about 'religious people' is itself ignorant. It denies, in its construction, the fact that the clerics in every religion ARE
NOT the same.
In the case in question, the minister was practicing from a church he set-up in a shopping strip. He was a member of a denominatyion which does not
require a degree from an accredited university/college/seminary to achieve ordaination. He was also not a minister in a 'main line' religion.
In reality, however, clergy from the main christian denominations, on average, are better educated than people in most other job areas. There are
orders within the Catholic church, for instance, wherein the members spend their entire life earnings degrees and passing that information on to other
people. In fact, many Catholic clergymen I know could turn the arguments of the 'scientific' people on this forum into swiss cheese.
So, before you condemn all clergy because of one guy in a poor neighborhood who invented his own church, you had better pay attention to the millions
across the world who are members of educational orders.