posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 12:03 PM
Aliens from other plants have hijacked men and women for sex during visits to earth. That is an incredible claim of British UFO Research Association
investigator Barry King.
One case of many was a Brazilian farmer who reluctantly talked about his experience. He claimed a shining egg-shaped capsule landed in one of his
fields. A group of humanoids (human like beings) bundled him into their craft, stripped him, sponged him with freezing liquid, then took a blood
sample from his chin with a suction cup. He lay naked and frightened on a couch after they left……
….Then a naked woman appeared , a women unlike any he had seen before. Soft , blonde hair framed a triangular face with large blue, almond - shaped
eyes and a pointed chin.
She had a well-formed figure, a narrow waist, broad hips and long legs. The prisoner thought her the most beautiful creature he had ever seen .She
smiled down at him, then put her arms round him and began to rub her face and body against him.( I wouldn’t mind being abducted)
“Alone with this women, who clearly gave me to understand what she wanted, I became very excited,” the man later told the authorities. “I forgot
everything , seized the woman and responded to her caresses. It was a normal act and she behaved like any other woman, even after repeated embraces.
But she did not know how to kiss, unless her playful bits on my chin had the same meaning.” (Like how animals do)
“Finally she became tired, I was still excited but now she withheld herself from me. Before she left, she turned and pointed her first to her belly,
then with a kind of smile at me and finally at the sky in a southerly direction.”
In days that followed , his heath deteriorated quickly. Nausea and headaches kept him indoors .(she must of worked him good) His eyes burned and
could not sleep. Then small red circles appeared all over his body. Local doctors who examined him called a specialist. He had been exposed to
radiation. And the dark scars and thin, tender skin on his chin were evidence of blood letting.
Please let me know on your thoughts about this