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My Sighting

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posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Hello im new to the site and i would just like to explain a sighting i had a few days ago

on July 28th i was outside riding my bike up the street to go the corner store i then heard a strage buzzing sound i looked into the air and i saw a small Dot in the sky as it moved it seemed to change colors it was shped like a triangle it zipped very fast i almost lost it i didnt have my camera on me when i saw it but the colors chaged i belive in theis order

Deep Blue to Green to yellow to orange to red and to purple

if anyone has any comments on what this could have been i would like to know what you think...

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 12:11 AM
Is it me or as time continues to the year 2012 which is expected to be a important year historiclly (cant spell it lol, ive been trying for 5 mins to get it right, still cant do it
) We have been witnessing more and more UFO's entering earth and observing us. Idk if its just me but ive seen / read so much about UFO Sightings and future warnings from Alians to us about extending our violence into space (for those who dont know the warning its: if we extend our violence into space, the alians respond immediatly against us whiping us off the solar system)

anyone else notice that we just keep seeing MORE AND MORE UFO's... I mean i see it.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by UFOFrEaK
Hello im new to the site and i would just like to explain a sighting i had a few days ago

on July 28th i was outside riding my bike up the street to go the corner store i then heard a strage buzzing sound i looked into the air and i saw a small Dot in the sky as it moved it seemed to change colors it was shped like a triangle it zipped very fast i almost lost it i didnt have my camera on me when i saw it but the colors chaged i belive in theis order

Deep Blue to Green to yellow to orange to red and to purple

if anyone has any comments on what this could have been i would like to know what you think...

You saw a small dot in the sky or a triangle? Which one? Did the whole thing change colour or just the lights?

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 03:59 AM
In extension to xenosis last post i have to agree that i have seen UFO's in the media more so then i have ever before. Especially with the remake of "war of the worlds" and the new video game "destroy all humans". Not only that but i've been noticing it more frequently on speacials and whatever on T.V. The internet is absolutely cluttered with the stuff and its very difficult to decide what pics or what video footage is "real" or "fake". Either way i think we're in for a doozy.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 11:36 AM
i should have exlpained it more in the sky it looked as a dot at first yet when thesun was out of my eyes i realized the tru shape and the Whole thing changed color i am sure some of you do not belive this story im not sure what it was im just trying to figure out was this an actual sighting?


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