posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:36 PM
I'm a huge fan of Bob's, especially his work with Timothy Leary on the 8 circuit model of conciousness, covered in the book 'Prometheus Rising'.
Just about everything the guy has written is amazing because he has such a broad knowledge base and is able to relate every bit of information he's
collected from any topic into a workable model that is in 'laymans' terms and is very easy to understand.
It seems many people think he is merely a 'conspiracy theorist' (due to the press he received around the time he released the illuminatus trilogy)
and as such haven't delved into any of his works. His books cover a lot more ground than any other author I have heard of, and are always on the
cutting edge of whatever subject he chooses to write about.
Unfortunately there isn't a quantum psychology or metaprogramming page here so I had to post in this area, but it would be great to hear from anyone
else who's into the 8 circuit model or RAW in general and to let me know how his books have changed your brain!