posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 06:30 PM
What I hate the most is people in forums that have a valid but unpopular opinion or idea being called Trolls. I see it in alot of forums. namely the
(By the Way, this Thread ISN'T about Abortion, this is just an Example! So Please don't debate it on this thread!!)
Abortion Debate forums. Pro-Choicers won't like want the Pro-Lifers say, the Pro-Lifers won't like what the Pro-Choicers say, thus, they resort to
insults and slander.
Another Example..
One person believes UFOs exist and are from the pleadian sector. Another Person believes UFOs are actually demons. Most of the people believe that
are responding to the Post that Believe the UFOs are the Pleadian Sector, but deem the Person saying "UFOs and Grey aliens are actually demons, here
are my reasons why I believe such"
Then most people don't like his unpopular opinion and the insults starts, then that person retorts with insults and he is deemed a troll!
Which is WRONG! I have given-up my Trolling Activities, and I only use to troll in the Yahoo! Forums. Like many of you from time to time, You will
have unpopular ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions. And that does not make you a troll.
Back in 2002. In a different forum, I had the most unpopular opinion. I had reasonable doubt that David Westfield (The guy whom kill Danielle Van
Dam in San Diego, California) was innocent of the crime. I stated why I believe he is likely not-guilty of the crime. Which sent people on a tirade
of hate and discontent. It was a grossly unpopular opinion. Which later during the trial, it turned out I was wrong in my opinion, and I admitted
Keep your Opinions Real!