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Do You Buy Conspiracy Books?

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posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:20 PM
I have started to spend a considerable amount of money on books related to conspiracies, religion or alternative history. But i was wondering whether your knowledge was gained through the internet or through books. I saw a £7 book on the Philidelphia Project but I did not buy it as I thought just as much info would be available to me on the internet. Do you think this applies to other subjects such as aliens, governemt/political conspiracies etc?

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 05:38 PM
i am not sure it is meant to be here, it may need to be moved

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 06:55 PM
It might be a conspericy if people are afraid to purchase the books because they will be viewed as nuts or worse reported to the government what you purchased.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 07:02 PM
It depends on the book. If you think it's by a reputable author, and you like what you've heard about it, then buy it. But in general, I find a surprising number of "conspiracy" books are either written by true nuts with very poor logic and/or researching abilities, or they are quickie moneymaking jobs.

I can't tell you what to read, but personally I save my money for good non-fiction books that aren't conspiracy related, and connect my own dots!
(With some exceptions, of course, but I won't go into those because I'm not sure what kind of conspiracies you are into....)

-koji K.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by koji_K]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 11:33 PM
My Dad buys all the Conspiracy Theory books by Jim Marrs. I've read through them and disagree with nearly all of it. I will look at conspiracy theory books, but will not by anything by Jim Marrs or David Icke (Whom I believe is completely insane). If the theory holds up, then I would buy it.
And I don't care about ancient theories about the Aztecs or Atlantis people summoning UFOS from the Illuminati and all the craziness.

the Philidelphia Project but I did not buy it as I thought just as much info would be available to me on the internet. Do you think this applies to other subjects such as aliens, governemt/political conspiracies etc?

You'll find alot of stuff on the Internet. ATS is the best place to start. The sorry part is, when you do find the websites, it usually some auther that wants you to buy his/her book.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:04 AM
I've bought a few books about Atlantis and a few about aliens.

I gain more knowledge from the internet though, than again, the internet has enough information to fill millions of notebook pages, probably billions.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:09 AM
When I first started reading conspiracy stories there was no internet. Now that there is one though, I find it cheaper and easier to use the net.

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