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Lady S please enter

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posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 08:43 PM
I read your posts and you sound like an intelligent, spirtually intune individual.

I got a few questions if you dont mind

1. The abilities you hold, did you have to practice to gain them or did they come natrually and grew over time?

2. How much control do you have over your brain and keeping emotions and feelings under 'control'?

3. Is automatic writing safe?

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 08:26 AM
I got a few questions if you dont mind

***I don't mind at all.

1. The abilities you hold, did you have to practice to gain them or did they come natrually and grew over time?

***That's a good question, not easily answered. First, everything I can do has just always been. I really thought everyone could do these things. They have grown over time, and I do have to work at it to see growth - but it's the strangest thing. If I actualy 'try' to do things, try to learn to control them and 'make' them happen - #1, it just don't happen and #2, I actualy have less things go on of this nature. What I do have to work on constantly is me personaly. So long as my focus is giving/helping/sharing, not being selfish, and always working on myself to improve the inside me, and seemingly most important - not being negative regardless of the situation(s) around me --- so long as those things are my daily focus everything seems to fall in place and continue to get stronger and better intuned.

2. How much control do you have over your brain and keeping emotions and feelings under 'control'?

***Actauly I have alot more control over that than most I think. In some ways. I guess I am more effected by the sadness and hurt (emotionaly) of others around me and those I am close to even if geographicaly distant. My own emotions of sadness and hurt are probably the most felt. Anger and happyness are pretty low key for me - unless it's feeling anger or happy over someone elses business.
I'd say all in all I have a pretty good handle on my own emotions (that may be a bad thing?) and have learned over the years not to become to wrapped up in other's emotions. I have pretty good control over my body physicaly speaking as well. (Heart rate, blood pressure, 'other', functioning without sleep for long periods ect.

3. Is automatic writing safe?

***Now this I want to immediately say NO to. But in all honesty I think it deserves more than that. It's just like anything else, people are and draw on and attract iether negative or possative. Those who feed on and attract possative may get at the very least 'un'harmfull stuffs from it. Weather it't spiritual or subconsious I think has to do with how intune you are and how in control of yourself you are.
For the those who have more negative going on - I'd say just incase they are capable of bringing more than subconsious thoughts to the surface, they should stay away from anything that isn't completely within their control (and of course, we can only truely controle ourselves).

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 02:14 PM
thanks, i appreciate the info

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 07:52 PM
Now I just posted and it didn't show up. Hmmm.
Anyway, your more than welcome.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:25 AM
is Lady S still around?

I was very young when i posted this, My skills have always been predicting or forseeing the future through dreams, i have grown in this and it is now my best talent every night i have vivid dreams, and at least once a week i can see something a few days away up to months away up to maybe years away, but it never fails to come true in the end.

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