posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 12:40 PM
just by the sheer amount of galaxies in the universe the law of averages says there has to be some kind of other extraterrestrial life. i dont
believe that an earth type planet is needed to sustain life. it is need to sustain Human life, but we have no clue about what kind of things live in
space and other parts of the universe. as for the aliens, im going to have to agree with gazrok. if these aliens looked like us and somehow
communicated that they were of no danger, i probably would not kill them....probably, it is humans nature to destroy what they dont understand, and
obviously we dont understand aliens. however, if there were made of some kind of very resistent material and their blood was some kind of acid that
burned through every kind of metal humans have known, yes i believe i would not treat it too nicely. one more thing....
well if they look like ET, im sorry, i will have to kill a few because i hated the film ET
good stuff because if ET came down to my house and wanted to chill out id have to smack him and throw him on the grill.
E.T.......its whats for dinner.