posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Since I was two years old I remember having the same type of dream refering me as a Dream Child. It was what created my ideas for characters and
stories. When I was two I remember being invited into a world that most people who ever remember dreams never been too and since then I have what they
consider dreams that continue. It seems if I sleep for 12 hours I would actually have a 12 hour dream. Time is the same and when I wake up and go back
to sleep I will continue at the time I sleep. It seems odd but it is true. I think my mind is active with ideas and stories that is plays on it but
what I am confussed is how can it happen when I was two years old? I never knew a time when I went to bed and never had any dreams with my characters.
I always play an alter ego of myself as if I was born there and that is how I would be. One of the characters I remember foundly but vanished through
unknown circumstances is a character named Majestic. He was the last of his race and he some how carried me through childhood. I remember him like it
was yesterday. For years I been creating stories in my head to write down but never had the courage to. Has anyone ever had these type of dreams?