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Da Vinci code put on Trinity syllabus

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posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:42 PM
I don't know if its on the syllabus in America so this is really for the 4 or 5 Irish ATSers. The Da Vinci code will be the subject of an evening course at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

The Decoding Da Vinci module will, among other things, analyse the contentious claim made in the book that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. Dismissed as mumbo jumbo by historians, the book represents an unusual choice of subject matter for the country’s leading academic institution.

Full Story

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Atomix
I don't know if its on the syllabus in America so this is really for the 4 or 5 Irish ATSers. The Da Vinci code will be the subject of an evening course at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

The Decoding Da Vinci module will, among other things, analyse the contentious claim made in the book that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. Dismissed as mumbo jumbo by historians, the book represents an unusual choice of subject matter for the country’s leading academic institution.

Full Story

As I have explained in another thread, the Davinci Code is part of the plan of the Z team to stub Christian faith. Dan Brown has openly admitted that he believes Jesus was not a God, but rather a mere mortal who had children with Mary the Magdalene.

Expect the king of kings, descentant from the line of Jesus, to be here soon enough.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 06:42 PM
jeez people (In general) grow a backbone, its a FICTIONAL story. I swear, so much controversy for a book that openly declares itself as fiction.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Atomix
I don't know if its on the syllabus in America so this is really for the 4 or 5 Irish ATSers. The Da Vinci code will be the subject of an evening course at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

The Decoding Da Vinci module will, among other things, analyse the contentious claim made in the book that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. Dismissed as mumbo jumbo by historians, the book represents an unusual choice of subject matter for the country’s leading academic institution.

Full Story

Lol, I thought you meant people who were Irish on this board. Not who live in Ireland. I was like sweet I am part of 4 or 5 Irish people. Than I felt a little insulted thinking you were calling the Irish stupid. Then I got depressed and drank some beer. Sorry couldn't resist. No offense meant to any other Irish people out there, I really am Irish, thus it is okay for me to make fun of the Irish... right?

[edit on 31-7-2005 by Ryanp5555]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:12 AM
Yeah sure you go ahead and make fun of us. Heres a nice piture to get you started:

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:19 AM
There is at lest one place in the USA where the book was used in American schools. My little bro in law had to read the book for his 9th grade class, and I must admit that alone was pretty neat, considering.

So yes, it has been used in and by the education system here. As stated though, the book is fictional.

to you people in the Eastern Atlantic.
Cead Mile Failte

Awsome image by the way, LMAO, a Lepra-virus.

[edit on 1-8-2005 by ADVISOR]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:25 AM
I mean HONESTLY - What's Next?

Debunking the Lord of the Rings? Proving that Elves and Orcs did not Exsist?

For a Fictional Book it SURE gets alot of Attention.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:42 AM
That is because it is closer to the truth than most people are comfortable with. The very possability is obviously scary to them, remember these are people who have been conditioned to think in the religious term they were told to. The chances of them having an understanding beyond here say is rare. For example, how many people have read the whole bible, and the Koran. My bet is not enough, I know people who quote the bible and havn't even read it all. Using the words out of context.

Take the blinders off, deny ignonance.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 05:01 AM
Well I for One have Read the Book and have Found it very Interesting.

For a Fictional Work its Dangerously Close to whatever the real Truth is - in my opinion.

Many things are Explained so Well that you really begind to belive them as you are reading the book and at the end its all so clear to you that its kind of scary.

Well Congrats to mister Dan Brown for writing such a great book that so many people need to talk about it non-stop - putting it on trial, debunking it and so on and so on.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
That is because it is closer to the truth than most people are comfortable with. The very possability is obviously scary to them, remember these are people who have been conditioned to think in the religious term they were told to. The chances of them having an understanding beyond here say is rare. For example, how many people have read the whole bible, and the Koran. My bet is not enough, I know people who quote the bible and havn't even read it all. Using the words out of context.

Take the blinders off, deny ignonance.

If Christianity is bogus and God does not exist and Jesus was a mere mortal, then how do you explain the miracle of Holy Light jumping out of the Tomb of Jesus at Jerusalem at Easter?

The Bible is full of predictions for the fact that the Antichrist will declare himself as descentant of Jesus. For this to happen, Jesus must be a mortal, instead of a God, and Dan Brown's book just does that.


posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
I mean HONESTLY - What's Next?

Debunking the Lord of the Rings? Proving that Elves and Orcs did not Exsist?

For a Fictional Book it SURE gets alot of Attention.

And that happens for one reason. Dan Brown uses 2 lines of fact then proceeds to write a page of fiction and because of those 2 lines of fact people take the rest of it for fact.

Well Congrats to mister Dan Brown for writing such a great book that so many people need to talk about it non-stop - putting it on trial, debunking it and so on and so on.

Couldn't agree with you more.

[edit on 2/8/05 by D]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:53 AM
I could not begin to explain the awnser to your question. I was not there, however if there was some solid proof beyond what was written, I may have a chance.

Besides never said anything was bogus, I have said it was a false religion, but that don't define bogus, just the idolism of it all. Even Jesus is known to have said, "Do not worship me, worship the father above." Jesus and his message, thus the religion of has been so misconstrued over the ages, it is no wonder people have taken to the false idea of worshiping the man.

Idolism, is just that. God is beyond mear symbols, there is no house big enough to hold him. In my opinion an insult to his very greatness, no one thing can be representative of god, as god is evident in everything.

That is not the topic though, and this conversationis better suited to a thread of it's own.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 10:32 AM
if the bible (a work of fiction) can be used in a theology class, then why can't the da vinci code (another work of fiction) also be used??

it seems actually that the evening class will be focusing on just the da vinci code, so just a study of that one book, rather than imposing itself in a religious education lesson.

if anything being able to study this book may allow people to realise it is just fiction and is 'just a twist' on the jesus story as much as the bible is 'just a twist' of the jesus story.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Besides never said anything was bogus, I have said it was a false religion, but that don't define bogus, just the idolism of it all.

Let's not play with words. We all know what is meant by 'bogus' or 'false' religion.

Even Jesus is known to have said, "Do not worship me, worship the father above."

But Christianity does not worship Jesus, it worships God. Jesus was his best representative on Earth. We also pray to Mary, his mother. But all prayers are directed to God. The basic prayer, the "I believe in one God, father of all things on Earth and the Heavens, etc" proves that.

t is no wonder people have taken to the false idea of worshiping the man.

You mean "of worshiping the son of God".

Idolism, is just that. God is beyond mear symbols, there is no house big enough to hold him. In my opinion an insult to his very greatness, no one thing can be representative of god, as god is evident in everything.

So you believe in God? why not in the Christian God then? your talk sounds dangerously like new age talk.

That is not the topic though, and this conversationis better suited to a thread of it's own.

Not at all! The Dan Brown's book is blasphemous to Christianity, and the whole thing is about religion, Christianity to be more specific. And anything serious like putting this book on a syllabus can only be discussed in the context of Christianity.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 06:36 PM
Dan Brown claims it's all true, but with everything there is some doubt. It wasn't even a very good book. He's actually quite a bad writer.

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 07:16 AM
Its quite sad that a respected university wastes resources on stuff like this

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