posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 02:54 PM
28 August 2003: ALERT-STATUS: URGENT
أنتظرو وعليكم بالدعاء
والمساندة المالية
والدعم حتى لمن يستطيع
الذهاب للجهاد
فالإيام القادمة حبلى
(Does anyone read arabic, and can you give a definate translation for the above?)
It is your duty to pray and provide support to the jihad brothers, and if you are able, go to jihad, the next days will be filled with surprises!
(Recent posting on known terrorist website.....)
Please be advised that we are currently analyzing information posted to a number of forums used by terrorist groups, many which suggest a
potential convergence of a multi-level sequence of events that appear to be conspicuously timed on or near the second anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Interestingly, a number of posts appear to include "instructions" that are consistent with those found in the apartment of 9/11 hijacker Atta. In
addition, "Prayers for Jihad" authored by al Qaeda or al Qaeda supporters have been found hidden in "Java Scripts" on Internet web sites are
currently under analysis. Such calls for prayer are typically issued immediately before an planned attack.
(Link to Above)