posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 02:59 AM
Having received power and authority from Satan (Rev. 13:2) in return for his complete submission to him (the very temptation Christ withstood in the
wilderness), Antichrist will secure his position as world ruler.
This is described in the prophecy of Daniel which indicates that "kings shall arise."
Of these, seven will readily submit to Antichrist while it will be necessary to subdue another three by means of military force.
This explains the portrayal of Antichrist in the book of Revelation as "a beast...having seven heads [those rulers who submitted voluntarily] and
ten horns' [the ten kingdoms].
At the same time, by reason of his tolerance and false sanctity, Antichrist will be proclaimed the spiritual leader of all religions. He will
show partiality towards Christians, "promising them every sort of protection in return for their acknowledgment of his leadership." "Those not
comprehending Christianity will see in him a representative and champion of the true religion and will join with him" (St. Ephraim).